Thursday, January 28, 2010

When is a Flower Really New ??

The Picture on the Cover When is a Flower Really New? By "Irisarian" THEY say there is nothing new under the sun. That is a very sweeping statement, and like most sweeping statements, not true. It would be truer to say there is very little new under the sun. And this would be as true of plants as of most things. We often speak of a "new" plant. What we really mean is that the plant is new to us, or to our own horticultural world. But more often than not the plant is centuries—ages —old. In some part of the world it has...
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tall Bearded Iris "LACED COTTON"

Laced Cotton is a Schreiners recessive white with a delicate and ruffled chiffon appearance,which belies its super substance and resistance to moderately bad weather conditions. Considered by some to being a Cool or Cold White its ruffling adds a warmth and another dimension to the bloom. I have listed two catalogue entries from Schreiner, the original Introduction in 1980 where it states pure white, and the 2000 catalogue description that mentions a very faint lavender-orchid tint when blooms first open. Grown at home alongside a...
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Zealand Intermediate Bearded Iris 'PAUL & MARY '

'Paul and Mary' is a Intermediate Bearded plicata Iris in which the pollen parent has dominated the form and colouration of the bloom. Having good increase as a plus it quickly makes a stunningly floriferous display. Blooms are subject to slight sun fade which is overcome by its bold colouration and waxy petals also making the blooms long lasting. The overall effect is a bright clump that has a airbrushed fade effect. Branching is good and well spaced. A child of the sixties with Wilma Greenlee's, 1968 SNOW CHERRIES , a white...
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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tall Bearded Historic Iris "QUAKER LADY"

It is my opinion, no historical Iris collection is complete without "Quaker Lady"I like to think this iris is part of my Table Irises collection. Smaller flowers on zig-zag branching but makes up for the limited bud count per stem by being a vigorous grower that clumps up well, quickly producing multiple flower stalks in turn creating a mass bloom effect. The photo I hope captures the beauty of this classic and subtle diploid Iris.A H Burgess and Son Iris Specialists Waikanae, Wellington N.Z. 1932 catalogueQuaker Lady. Standards bronze,...
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sergey Loktev 2010 Iris "BERTRAND RUSSELL"

Heritage Irises are privileged to display for our visitors three of the many 2010 Introductions By Sergey Loktev of Russia. This Tall Bearded Iris has a look tailored for the discerning Iris grower with multi choice requirements all packaged into one bloom that plays with the light of day, and as we are all aware there is no time limits on Dreams, so we can look forward to more Irises "From Russia First Class"AIS Checklist 2008BERTRAND RUSSELL (Sergey Loktev, R. 2008). Sdlg. 02-571-4. TB, 35" (90 cm), EML. S. creamy light yellow...
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Sergey Loktev 2010 Iris "OKLAHOMA MASTER"

Heritage Irises are privileged to display for our visitors three of the many 2010 Introductions By Sergey Loktev of Russia. Second up today an attention grabbing Border Bearded Iris in purple-black with just the right amount of ruffling. I mean lets face it no other plant that can be grown by any level of Gardener, could put on a "Knock your socks off display"in Black, as well as the Bearded Iris. OKLAHOMA MASTER, SMB (i.e.BB according to AIS version), 00-700-3: (ROCKET MASTER x OKLAHOMA CRUDE). As always, clicking the image...
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Sergey Loktev 2010 Iris "PEACOCK EYE"

Heritage Irises are privileged to display for our visitors three of the many 2010 Introductions By Sergey Loktev of Russia. First up today the aptly named Intermediate Iris which shows good form with unusual but striking colouration. PEACOCK EYE, IMB, 04-280-5: (ROAD TO HELL x ROYAL OVATION). As always, clicking the image will take you to the larger, higher resolution version. Photo credit and copyright Sergey Loktev. ***...
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Anton Mego 2010 Iris "CLOTHO'S WEB"

. . Heritage Irises are privileged to have been asked to display all of the four 2010 Introductions By Anton Mego which will be be available this year in America from Bruce Filardi's, International Iris P.O.Box 18124 Portland OR 97218-0124 CLOTHO'S WEB Anton Mego 2010 TB 88cm M Sdlg AM-02/1000-2 wavy Slight sweet fragrance Standards blue near beards white stitched: Style Arms blue; Falls blue petals are from beards to ⅔ stitched with white veins spare part petals is blue purple, edge is patchy stitched with gentle white comas. World...
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Anton Mego 2010 Iris "PERFECT LADY"

. . Heritage Irises are privileged to display all four 2010 Introductions By Anton Mego which will be Introduced and be available this year in America from Bruce Filardi's International Iris P.O.Box 18124 Portland OR 97218-0124 PERFECT LADY Anton Mego 2010 TB 88cm EM Sdlg AM-00/0708-2 Slight sweet fragrance; Standards light pink from beards to midribs draws gentle violet neon: Style arms light pink; Falls Black purple, close to midribs paler violet band, edges of petals are paler purple violet; beards red. AM-98/0312 (Twilight...
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Monday, January 4, 2010

Anton Mego 2010 Iris "ZLATOVLÁSKA"

. . Heritage Irises are privileged to have been asked to display all four 2010 Introductions By Anton Mego which will be be available this year in America from Bruce Filardi's, International Iris P.O.Box 18124 Portland OR 97218-0124 ZLATOVLÁSKA Anton Mego 2010 TB 96cm ML Sdlg AM-02/0933-1 extremely wavy petals small horns Slight sweet fragrance; Standards blend of smoky yellow and brownish cream: Style arms creamy yellow, lavender above stigma; Falls lavender going yellow to the edge , Yellow reverse; beards yellow with light...
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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Anton Mego 2010 Iris "BRATISLAVAN PRINCE"

. . Heritage Irises are privileged to have been asked to display all four 2010 Introductions By Anton Mego which will be be available this year in America from Bruce Filardi's, International Iris P.O.Box 18124 Portland OR 97218-0124 BRATISLAVAN PRINCE Anton Mego 2010 TB 78cm ML Sdlg AM-00/0559/9 wavy petals tough texture Slight sweet fragrance; Standards light orchid lavender with huge creamy brown border: Style arms lavender silver with creamy brown edge; Falls Dark velvety blue purple,edge of petals with a few of white fibrils,...
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Friday, January 1, 2010


. . Courtesy of Schreiners 1958 catalog Happy New Year to you all.I have been happily helping a Commercial grower sort out the names of irises with lost ID's in the last two weeks, and when researching an Iris "Broadway Star" Robert Schreiner had also made the following comments in the 1957 catalogueA GLIMPSE OF OUR DISPLAY GARDEN. Pictured below is a portion of our display garden photographed in May 1956. The visitors are Mrs Jean Stevens The President of the New Zealand Iris Society and Marion Walker President of the American...
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©2008 - 2016 HERITAGE IRISES. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or storage of this website's content is prohibited without prior written permission. Terry Johnson in association with The Iris Hunter,What Have You Productions and 15 out of 7 Design.