Thursday, May 27, 2010

Heirloom Tall Bearded Iris "CATERINA"

Perhaps one of my great finds in New Zealand this year is an Heirloom Iris of significant historical importance growing in an Auckland garden. Sir Michael Foster is justly looked up to as the pioneer and founder of the modern cult and cultivation of the Iris, and in 1888 he crossed I. pallida with I. cypriana, both of these irises at the time being considered collected wild species. The result, a selected seedling 'Caterina' (named after the Queen of Cyprus) was introduced. It was one of the first tetraploid hybrids, and proved to...
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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tall Bearded Iris 'TOUCH OF MAHOGANY'

Barry Blyth's, 'Touch of Mahogany' is a totally different look with its varying tones of russets, browns, and ruby red burgundy. Ruffling in the falls inherited no doubt from its very famous brown pollen parent 'Copatonic'. Certainly a surprise I like!!! Tempo Two Catalogue 2005-2006 Touch of Mahogany Blyth 99 ML 36" Standards are coffee-brown with slight gold infusion. Falls coffee-brown overlaid soft lavender with striking burgundy hafts rouged down each side of the old gold beards setting the whole flower alive. Good branching,...
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