Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tall Bearded Iris "BEACH GIRL"

Another of Barry Blyth's long blooming Apricot Tan Amoena line with typical classy form. Creamy white standards are gracefully edged gold and have just a blush of pink in the midribs. Falls are a solid Apricot Tan which are illuminated with a piping hot tangerine reddish beard. Medium size blooms with eight to ten buds on each good strong stalks. Great health with average increase and most importantly fertile both ways. A slight sweet fragrance enhances the appeal. Once you have a mature clump established 'Beach Girl' will bloom...
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Friday, October 21, 2011


POVERTY BAY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ROSE & IRIS SHOW 29th & 30th October 2011 Showgrounds Park and Events Centre, Gisborne Saturday 1.30 - 4.30 pm. Sunday 9.30 am - 3.30pm. Entry fee is $4 adults, children free. For further details contact the Show Secretary, Anne Pole, 06 868 5245 MORRINSVILLE HORTICULTURE SOCIETY ROSE & IRIS SHOW Campbell Hall, Knox Presbyterian Church Hall, Canada St, Morrinsville Friday, November 4th Entries at the hall on the day Open to Public: 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. Inquiries: Jan...
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Intermediate Bearded Iris " FURIOSO"

Bright little bugger isn't it !!!!! The Iris worlds 'High Vis' bloom. Photo taken this morning with an overcast sky. Four or five shots where brilliant but I have chosen this shot to accentuate the amazing Saturn red beards. Tempo Two Iris, Daylilies, Hosta catalogue 1996-1997 season. FURIOSO (Blyth 96 Aust.) EM. 24" Bright and furiously coloured Median Iris. Standards are bright mid pink; falls are bright orange apricot and the whole flower is set off with Saturn red beards. A contrasting smooth bi-colour. Well branched stems...
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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Iris albicans

Growing at home and a welcome addition blooming this morning, I.albicans is an early flowering, slightly fragrant heirloom iris of historical significance and could be classified as an Intermediate Iris. I. albicans is a natural hybrid that has found favour with gardeners for at least the last 800 years. Marc Simonet in his published thesis ‘The Genus Iris, Cytological and Genetic Research’ states that I.albicans among other listed species possesses (2n= 44) number of somatic chromosomes indicating that this species arose...
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tall Bearded Iris "CABARET ROYALE"

Take crisp medium blue tinted lavender standards, slightly darker violet in the midribs, some ruffled and flaring velvety falls in black violet with white veining on the hafts, add the bushy tangerine beard – and voilà ! With its excellent branching and a sound, vigorous plant which shows quick increase, this child of the seventies, 'Cabaret Royale' is a much loved neglecta and an ancestor to Barry Blyth's highly respected  'In Town'. The outpouring of white veining from the heart of the bloom would have been frowned...
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