Saturday, December 6, 2014


[For the specimens from which our plate was prepared  we are indebted to Messrs. Barr & Sugden, who possess  one of the most complete collections of Irises known.]  Drawn by CONSTANCE PIERREPONT. THE GARDEN December 20, 1879. THE GARDEN FLORA. PLATE CCXL A GROUP OF BEARDLESS IRISES. Everyone knows and, knowing, admires the bearded Irises ; but it is not everyone who is aware of the beauty and the delight which may be found in the beardless Irises, a group of which is represented in the plate...
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Sunday, November 16, 2014

British Dykes Medal Tall Bearded Iris GOLDEN HIND

The Iris Yearbook (BIS), 1931. List of Prize Winners. Yellow standards and yellow falls :- C.O.M. : To Mr. H. Chadburn for the iris Golden Hind. It really is a startling bit of colour. Picture the deepest buttercup yellow and add the warmth of a faint tint of orange and you will have the tone that floods the whole of a very neatly-formed flower.Unfortunately, as shown it was very dwarf and although the judges recognised this might be due to it being a first year spike, they could not do more than give it the bare recognition of...
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Friday, November 14, 2014

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris IRWELL THANKSGIVING

Stunning Iris from New Zealand's late Ron Busch. For those who do not know I did communicate with Ron Busch regularly and in 2008 we discussed several of his about to be registered irises. One of the discussed was the iris 'Irwell Thanksgiving' and its pedigree. I have scanned Ron's handwritten notes regarding 'Irwell Thanksgiving' which indicate the genetic material used to produce the iris, and whilst not in the format of the official checklists it is hugely better than just a checklist entry 'Parentage Unknown'.  The 2012...
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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

French Historic Tall Bearded Iris MARQUITA

One of the all time greats of French Tall Bearded Iris breeding. Carl Salbach summed it up when in his 1949 Catalog (some 18 years after it's introduction) he wrote the following regarding 'Marquita', "Described by one of the A.I.S. judges as 'One of the most unique of all… American should give it its highest award". Overlooked in the awarding of the French Dykes Medal because it was so late of bloom that most of the judges missed it." Now that's impressive!! The Iris Yearbook (BIS), 1930, "New Irises in France, Irises...
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Saturday, October 25, 2014

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris EARLY EMBERS

Back home for the weekend from my work in Christchurch, and this morning I walked the garden at first light one of the most enjoyable times of the day for me. Still a few weeks away yet for peak bloom which I will not be here for so it was a delight to see a New Zealand bred Iris shinning like a beacon in the garden. It's David Nicoll's 'Early Embers' which I have always had a lot of time for but only get to see it at it's best when the Nor-Westerly winds stay away in the early season. Plant has good healthy foliage with...
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Friday, October 17, 2014

French Dykes Medal winner JEAN CAYEUX

Don't you just love the blends, they are the chameleons of the tall bearded irises and when viewed in the early morning sun they become the custodians of the changing light. Jean Cayeux is a stand-out example of this colour class; The Iris Yearbook (BIS), 1930,"New Irises in France", R.G. Walter. At Messr. Cayeux et Le Clerc's Nurseries. This is a very distinct Iris of unusual colour. Good size flowers of neat shape with flaring falls. Very much the colour of wet...
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