Tuesday, August 11, 2015

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris BEYOND RICHES

'Beyond Riches' is an iris introduced by Alison Nicoll, Richmond Iris Gardens, New Zealand, and certainly has inherited the genes from the pod parent George Shoop's 'Prince George', with an extra large dollop of added zest and wow!!  Standards are a lilac white with a distinctive gold edge, hafts are veined leading to a solid magenta purple with a mandarin orange coloured beard. Large slightly fragrant blooms on well branched stems, that carry a upmarket sophisticated bling look with a dash of Parnell. A very nice iris...
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Monday, July 20, 2015

William Rickatson Dykes,THE BEARDED IRISES.

       THE GARDEN. September 15, 1923 THE BEARDED IRISES W. R. DYKES, M.A., L.-ès-L. SOME weeks ago there appeared in these columns an article on Bearded Iris species, which summed up what was known of them about thirty years ago, at the time when Baker compiled his Handbook of the Irideæ The so-called species were described in the order in which they appeared in Baker's book, and in many cases the wording of the descriptions was identical. Since 1892, however, much research work...
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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Historic Tall Bearded Iris CLEMATIS and the British controversy.

THE GARDEN June 4th 1921 NOTES OF THE WEEK A New Iris to which we take exception. — The Bearded Irises of June have an old-world charm, and so long as this is preserved we have no fault to find with the hybridists, but there is a tendency on the part of some hybridists to develop the size of the flowers at the expense of grace and form.There is one new variety to which we take exception — it is named 'Clematis' — in which the standards of the flower open out like the falls or lower petals. The flowers appear like those of...
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Historic Tall Bearded Iris CLEMATIS

Is flat form of the Bearded Iris flower the archetype of all Irises?? I think the augment has an enormous amount of validity. 'CLEMATIS' is an interesting Iris which today would be celebrated as a 'Flattie', but created some controversy in the 1920's. John Wister at the time the President of the American Iris Society had very strong views regarding 'Clematis' enough to make a note to himself to "throw it out of his own garden". The American Iris Society had real straitjacket views when it came to irises that did not follow their...
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Friday, May 1, 2015

Beautiful German Iris of Special Named Varieties.

Checklist status of the varieties Illustrated above; #1. CUPERO., is not listed in either the 1929 or the 1939 Checklists #2. PARISIENSIS., is not listed in either the 1929 or the 1939 Checklists. #3. FULDA., is listed in the 1929 checklist as TB-W3L which is a White light blue toned bicolour,  and is attributed to no hybridiser. By time it gets to the 1939 checklist it becomes a midseason blooming Intermediate Class Iris with the same colour tone still with no known hybridiser and in 1939 it is now listed...
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Thursday, April 23, 2015

French Historic Intermediate Bearded Iris ARCHEVÊQUE

Within the framework of the in-depth study concerning French horticultural heritage that I have been working on for many years, the Parc Floral de Paris asked for my help checking the identification  of the cultivars they possess and the reorganisation of their collection of both bearded and species irises.  They sent me certain plants in order to achieve that objective and ‘Archevêque’ is one of the plants I have had the pleasure of observing first hand.   The rigid but fine bloom stalk is 50 cm high, has four buds...
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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

French Historic Tall Bearded Iris, INNOCENZA.

The American Iris Society published a Discard List in 1931 and included amongst the 141 Lémon varieties listed for discard was today's featured iris 'Innocenza'.  I still find this list to be at the time an incredulous level of arrogance by some within the iris world. Amazingly short sighted to suggest the discard of irises that were mainly British or European bred, listed on 22 pages with an average of 70 irises per page (approx. 1500 irises). The legendry breeder William Caparne when campaigning vigorously...
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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris ALEXANDRA TWILIGHT

Another of the beetroot red colour so popular or is the word prevalent within the Standard Dwarf Iris class. 'Alexandra Twilight' has a parentage like a double dose of Cherry Garden. Bred by Helen Falconer a well known New Zealand gardener from Central Otago. Produces a good measure of blooms, that display themselves well above the foliage. Hardy. Helen Falconer received the NZIS Lucy Delany Award for 'Alexandra Twilight' when it was displayed as a seedling at the Central Otago Iris Safari...
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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Historic Border Bearded Iris RICHARD II

The Garden, 1st July 1916. AWARDS OF MERIT. Iris germanica Richard II. — A late-flowering Bearded Iris said to be a seedling from Black Prince, and, if so, would, we imagine, be more correctly grouped with the I. neglecta varieties. It is a handsome and distinct sort, with deep purplish violet falls bordered with white ; standard'- bluish white. Valuable for its late flowering. From Mr. Amos Perry, Enfield. The Gardener's Chronicle, July 1st, 1916. Iris Richard II. — The new Iris illustrated  in fig. 3 is...
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