
Friday, May 2, 2008

Back to the future but not with Blotanical

I have only just found the list in Blotanical which is the directory the 200 Most Recent Posts and it seems that it is almost impossible to obtain the status of "Recent" when you live in New Zealand as Blotanical places my current post in Yesterday's date. I published a blog Thursday 1st May and its instantly placed on Blotanical "Most recent posts" half way down the Wednesday 30th April section. Half a day later and its not on the list at all. Amazing!!
Where will this posting be placed I wonder


  1. I havn't figured that out yet either.

  2. Seems strange given that Blotanical heralds from Australia. It must be very frustrating. It's hard to stay in the "Current Picks" list for more than a few hours anyway now that there are so many garden bloggers.
