
Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris 'PHANTOM GOLD'


Fragrant Phantom Gold flowers early,
and it is often confused with its sister seedling Random Harvest which is exceptionally late flowering and taller. Argosy, the pod parent of Phantom Gold has also been mis-labeled as Random Harvest and Phantom Gold. I will endeavor to post all of these varieties this season,which may help clear up the confusion.

Above photo part of a planting on a property in the Wairarapa which only has the variety Phantom Gold probably numbering 200 plants and is for
period of 2-3 weeks a riot of Golden colour.

Stevens Bros. catalogue 1946-47:
PHANTOM GOLD A lovely new type of gold iris that is exceptionally vivid in effect. It flowers early, giving the iris garden its first note of exciting colour. The standards are a pure opaque gold, smooth and heavy textured, whilst the falls of the same depth of gold, have an enchanting overlay of russet brown. very distinct. 3ft. 30/-

AIS Checklist 1949
PHANTOM GOLD TB-E-Y6D (Stevens W.R. N.) R; 1946 (Argosy(Stevens W.R.)) x ((Y sdlg x King Midas) x (Lady Morvyth x Rangatira)). #1/S91

Photo Credit and Copyright Iris Hunter


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