
Thursday, February 5, 2009



Tempo Two Catalogue 2005-06
TROUBLED WATERS (Blyth 05 Aust.) EM 36" Huge blooms slightly waved and with broad falls. Standards are Blue lavender. Style arms are blue white with a turquoise haze. Falls are deep blue-lavender with 1/16" edge of Standard colour. There is a very small signal. Tall and stately with some secondary flower stems. (Seed from M Schafer crosses;Sib to "So Be It" ) Sdlg. J252-5

2006 Cumulative Checklist of Siberian Irises
TROUBLED WATERS Barry Blyth, Reg. 2005 Sdlg. J252-5. SIB, 36" (91 cm), EM ; S. blue to blue lavender; style arms blue white hazed turquoise; F. deep blue-lavender, ¹⁄₁₆˝ edge of S. color; signal absent. Seed from M. Schafer cross S97-43. Sib to So Be It. Tempo Two 2005/06.

Massive hat tip to Barry Blyth for sharing the photos and information

Photo copyright B. Blyth

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