
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New Zealand Siberian Iris 'ERNIE'S PINK'

A recent released great looking lavender pink New Zealand Siberian registration that shows good form. Bev and Noel Lapham from Mossburn Iris Garden recently informed me "'Ernie's Pink' was given to us by the late Ernie Davis, grown from seed gifted to him and the parentage is unknown. It is much admired by visitors to our garden so we decided to register it in his memory."
Available exclusively from Mossburn Iris Gardens so make sure this variety is on your order list for an April delivery.

AIS Checklist 2007
ERNIE’S PINK (Mr. Noel Lapham, R. 2007). SIB, 30" (75cm), M. S. Light lavender pink veined purple; style arms yellow, slight purple influence at midrib and tip’s; F. light lavender pink veined purple, tinted purple at the hafts, lemon signal area at center extending around haft’s. Parentage Unknown. Mossburn Iris Gardens 2007

Big hat tip to Bev Lapham for the photo and information.

Photo copyright Mossburn Iris Gardens


  1. Ohhh pleace help me!!! It is to beautiful!!
    Where can I get one like that?????
    I must have it!!!

  2. Hi Linda
    It is only available in New Zealand at the moment but you could try the variety Iris sibirica LAVENDELWEIN which is available at and there are many others there that might take your fancy.
    Kind Regards

  3. Are they sure this is a sib? Sure looks like a PCI to me. If it is a sib it's phenomenal and a huge color advance.

  4. I have allreday order that Iris at Tamberg this year!!!

    I did order this ones to:
    Blaue Milchstrasse
    Blaues Scweben

    Berlin Tiger (psedocarus)
    Appointer a crossbreeding.
