
Monday, April 13, 2009

Celebrating our first year milestone



The blog is
celebrating its 1st year in the digital world. A lot could be said by others about this moment but for me its been a great time for learning the digital nuances that applies to blogging.
Meeting interesting people that have visited the blog who have become friends and colleagues is the big plus.
As the blog has used only 7% of its allocated 1024MB free space, visitors can rest assured that there is a lot more Irises with commentary to come.

Thanks to you all for visiting and making it a success
and I'm looking forward to another great year



  1. Congratulations on your first year. I am looking forward to seeing many beautiful Irises, to drool over, and wish I had the room to grow them all.

  2. I've enjoyed reading your excellent descriptions and commentary on such a variety of iris for the past year.
    Congratulations on your first blog anniversary.

  3. Your blog is one of the best in the iris world. Thank you.
