
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tall Bearded Iris "SCENE STEALER"

SCENE STEALER by Hooker Nichols is an aptly named and very attractive amoena white standards infused with pale violet at their base, reddish purple falls with a large white zone under the bright orange beards. Almost horizontal falls with a very thin and laced white border. Scene Stealer is a sib to Boogie Woogie, a very elegant Amoena Plicata

Hooker Nichols writes about 'Scene Stealer' in a recently received email, "The parentage is (Taj Rani x In Tempo) X Song of Spring. It combines the hybridizing lines of Barry Blyth and Melba Hamblen. It is one of the last iris to bloom in the garden and makes a wonderful way to exit the spring bloom season. It also has a delightful fragrance. There were only three seeds in the pod that produced Boogie Woogie and Scene Stealer. Your picture is absolutely wonderful. I am still hybridizing bearded and have started introducing Louisiana's last year. This year have several pods from Louisiana's crossed to Iris Tectorum. The pods are full of seeds. Will have to wait to see if indeed this is a new inter-species endeavour or selfs of the Louisianas. We had a fantastic season this year. My 2009 introduction pictures have been posted as of last week at Hillcrest Iris"

AIS Checklist 1990

SCENE STEALER (Hooker Nichols, R. 1990) Sdlg. 8897C. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML ; S. laced white, violet midrib and base; F. purple, edged white, large white zonal area; beards orange yellow and white; ruffled; pronounced fragrance. Diddler X Song of Spring. Hillcrest 1998. HM 2001.

Scene Stealer is available in New Zealand from Amazing Iris Garden, in France from Cayeaux Iris, there are several stockist in The USA.

Photo credit and Copyright Irishunter



  1. That is a beauty! I have over 200 new irises on the way this year1

  2. Hi Flowrgirl, 200 new irises huh!guess who has the Iris fever. Well done
