
Monday, October 25, 2010

Pacific Coast Iris

Fashions in Iris breeding and the end result, the blossom's are constantly changing. Pacific Coast Irises are little known Irises,outside Iris circles. Flowering well ahead of the Tall Bearded Irises,the evergreen, tough plants, and could become a landscape designers dream plant should they ever become available commercially.

Paid a visit to a good friend and Iris colleague Gareth Winters and his fantastic collection of Pacific Coast Iris seedling, mostly all his own crosses. Totally amazing how these Irises have advanced in colour and form over the past decade.
Gareth is a great writer on all things horticulture which is very evident in his blog 'Irises and Archives', he is the Editor of the biannual journal 'ALMANAC' for the Society for Pacific Coast Native Iris, Writes a weekly garden page for the local Newspaper 'The Wairarapa Times Age' , and the Archivist for the Wairarapa Archive.

Clicking the image's will automagically take you to the larger, higher resolution version.

Will post some more photos from this collection soon.

Photo credit and copyright Iris Hunter


  1. Evergreen?Tough? And beautiful! Sounds like my kind of plant! Here's to hopes these gorgeous irises become commercialized!

  2. I did click on the luscious purple velvetty iris - is this an ensata iris? I would like to know more about this type of iris - do they have to grow in v wet soil etc?

  3. What lovely photos! Very iris collection is very bland, and I think I need some of the varieties you've posted! Thank you for sharing!

  4. They make my iris look so ordinary. It would be nice to have them marketed for gardens everywhere.
