
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Keith Keppel Iris 2012 Catalogue

Yesterday the future arrived, doesn't happen often but that's the outcome when Keith Keppel's Iris Catalogue arrives in the post.  Each catalogue received becomes part of the truly amazing continuum from one of the hybridising Giant's of the Iris world. It's just to bad Importing Irises to New Zealand is a wee bit tough at the present time!! Anyway for those visitors to the blog lucky enough to live in the USA go and buy yourselves some classy Irises.
Catalogue also contains a very large listing of Barry Blyth's Irises. Keith does write however, that this is the last year to purchase a wide selection of irises before....if plans are carried year they will transition from a catalogue format to a limited listing.

This has become an annual event for Heritage Irises and I only received an email from Keith 2 days ago telling me among other things that the Catalogue was on its way so no complaints with the postal service this time.

Cover Shot feature Tall Bearded Iris 'VOLCANIC GLOW'
(Montmartre X Lip Service) All that's missing is the smell of brimstone! Smoky, smouldering hot luminata, with aureolin. yellow standards flushed brownish red in the centre portion. Zanzibar red falls, with velvety wash overall, carry a  narrow aureolin edge, while the white hot heart is edged bright golden lemon. Beards are also golden lemon. Ruffled, with terminal and three branches up to eight buds

For a catalogue, please send $3 to: Keith Keppel P.O. Box 18154 Salem, OR 97305

Be sure to visit Keith Keppel's web site listed in the Iris Links on this page

As always clicking on the above image will take you to the larger, higher resolution version which no doubt you can save and print.

And of course a major hat tip to Keith Keppel once again for sharing the magic


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