
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tall Bearded Iris 'BAL MASQUÉ'

Just how has this exquisite French bred Amoena been overlooked for High Awards or any deserved official recognition for all these years???
It's one of my special 'Look forward to blooms' and comes with outstanding form coupled with great growing habits and qualities, and my opinion of it expands each bloom season.  Outstanding show stalks with multiple branching and healthy blue-green foliage. It is a very dramatic color combination.
Seems to be a bit of a Darkhorse Iris in New Zealand as well, and my big hat tip goes to Julie May the owner of the legendary 'The Iris Garden' who originally imported the iris. 

Iris, les meilleures espèces et variétés pour le jardin, Susanne Weber.
Les variétés de l'avenir, Variétés bicolores
'Bal Masqué' pétales blancs, sépales violet foncé, coeur blanc très veiné, barb rouge orange. F. Cayeux 1991.

Cayeux, La Carcaudière, Route de Coullons, France. Iris Lover's Catalogue, 2012.
Bright clean white standards and wide pansy violet falls. White heart streaked violet and lit up with a luminous orange-red beard. Excellent stems. Sixth prize at the American Convention in 1998. One of our best creations.
Tall bearded - Mid-season to late - size:85cm - colour: Amoena - perfume:sweet floral   Cayeux (1991)

AIS Checklist 1999
BAL MASQUÉ (Jean Cayeux, R. 1993) Sdlg. 84109 L. TB, 34" (86 cm), ML; S. pure white; F. bright pansy violet, small white flash below tangerine red beard. (Condottiere x Delphi) X (Alizes x (Condottiere x Lunar Rainbow)). Cayeux 1991.

Still sold by 'The Iris Garden' if you pay them a visit and now also sold by mailorder in New Zealand by Coleen Peri at 'The Iris Boutique' see link above 'New Zealand Iris Growers.

Clicking on the above image will take you to the larger, higher resolution version.
Photo credit and copyright Iris Hunter.

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