
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Iris Pseudacorus X ROY DAVIDSON

'Roy Davidson' is a clump-forming evergreen iris growing to 1.1m, the strong stems have up to 10 flowers or more, light but bright yellow with light brown veining, the falls with a crescent-shaped brown central flash and just look at the photo how is that for amazing carrying power!! This variety's pollination was possibly by an insect a bird or the wind, and for a intervention of nature it is a super good looking 'Water Iris'.
As a hybrid 'Roy Davidson', has like the species an excellent water purifying ability, and I have always had the thought that some up and coming Agricultural Science boffin would take the time to investigate growing pseudacorus and using this plant's natural talent of consuming excess nutrients and de-acidifying polluted water for dairy farm run off. The outcome is the possibility of having  purified water and in the words of  that My Fair Lady song 'Wouldn't It Be Loverly'.

Melrose Gardens, Stockton, California. The Connoisseurs Catalog, 1987.
ROY DAVIDSON (Hager '87) Beardless. 34" Clough #3 Holden Clough open pollinated.
You've probably read about Holden Clough, the mystery (parentage) iris from England. It sets a rare seed or two and about 10% of them germinate. This iris is from one such seed. And what a surprise! Iris pesudacorus is generally accepted as one parent of HC, and this grandchild resembles it except the flowers are 3 1/2" and are bright yellow with some veining and have dark brown crescent signals. THEY REMAIN OPEN FOR THREE DAYS, unlike pseudacorus and its one-day flowers. Stems of this one have two to three branches with multiple buds at each placement and fountains of wide, semi-glossy green foliage this is not dormant here. Promises to be a great garden subject but give this fast increasing plant plenty of room. Named for ROY DAVIDSON because the first seed was found on a stem from his garden so he is to blame for starting this whole thing. .....$25.00. 

Tempo Two, Pearcedale, Victoria, Australia. Iris, Daylilies, Hosta Catalogue  1994-1995
Iris Species suitable for water or boggy conditions.
This is a grandchild from Iris Pseudacorus and is a similar shade of yellow, but has flowers 3½ inches across and they last for 3 days, unlike pseudacorus which last 1 day. Stems have 2 or 3 branches and flowers are bright golden yellow. Foliage is dark and glossy and is evergreen. Equally at home in water, bogs or normal garden soil.

AIS Checklist 1989
ROY DAVIDSON Ben Hager, Reg. 1987. Sdlg. Clough #3. Apogon hybrid 34" (86 cm) E-L. Yellow, lightly veined brown on F., deep yellow outline by deep brown crescent signal. Holden Clough open pollinated., Melrose Gardens 1987.

 A massive Hat Tip to Phil Edinger for the above Melrose Garden listing.

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