
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Intermediate Bearded Iris AZ AP

Not a lot of Intermediate irises featured on the Web. These irises flower between the standard dwarf bearded iris and the tall bearded iris, and have a considerable value in adding continuity to the bearded iris season. 'AZ AP' , is another of Alan Ensminger's award-winning Irises. Blooms show occasional flecks of Broken Colour that could be inherited from its 'Jungle Shadows' heritage. A good strong grower that has a longer bloom season. An absolute asset in any garden.There is a limited amount of Alan's irises available in New Zealand which is a pity but we do have a few of his award-winning irises which is better than none at all.  Alan Ensminger, was presented the  Bennett C. Jones Award for Outstanding Median Hybridizing from the Median Iris Society in 2007.

Varigay Gardens Lincoln, Nebraska.1980.

AZ AP EL. IB. 22"
We want you to know about this beautiful 1980 introduction, named AZ AP because in color it is an abbreviated Azure Apogee.
AZ AP is an intermediate - the child of Charmed Circle and and SDB seedling. It is one of those rare irises that can hardly be faulted.
When AZ AP was one year old, it had 3 bloom stalks and 12 increases. The increases were lined out, and in 1979 when AZ AP was two years old there were 57 bloom stalks and 63 increases.
AZ AP is so beautiful and such a good doer that soon everyone will grow it. If you want to be one of the first to grow this remarkable new Intermediate send your check for $15.00 to Varigay Gardens 

Bulletin of the American Iris Society, October, 1990. Number 279.
Ensminger's Varigay Garden, James McWhirter (California)
This garden was the last garden I visited at the 1990 Omaha Convention, and it was an excellent one to end with. Although the day was overcast and even a little misty, the glorious color that greeted us when departing the bus was overwhelming. And even if we thought the color was going to be enough, the 75 foot row of AZ AP (Ensminger 80) was in full bloom to greet us a second time. The noise from the cameras capturing this spectacular sight was enough to keep all insects away. Truly a sea of bloom that will long be remembered

IRISES, A Gardener's Encyclopedia, Claire Austin.
Iris AZ AP (A Ensminger 1979)
This variety blooms for many weeks, producing skyblue flowers that are very slightly veined with purple around the edges of its petals. The bushy beards are bright blue. Height 56 cm ( 22½ in.) Bloom; early to late season. Parentage includes 'Charmed Circle', Spring Salute', 'Patience', 'Jungle Shadows', and I.pumila. Hans and Jacob Sass Medal 1987.

IRIS, Flowers of the Rainbow, Graeme Grosvenor.
Intermediate Iris Recommended Cultivars
'Az Ap' (Ensminger 1980) 60cm. classic mid-blue intermediate. Vigorous grower.

AIS Checklist 1979
AZ AP (Allan Ensminger, R 1979) IB, height 22" (56 cm), Early-Late bloom season. Cobalt blue (HCC 44/3) self; gentian blue (42/1) beard. Charmed Circle X 73-1: ((Spring Salute x ((Patience x Welch N503) x (Jungle Shadows x pumila))) x ((( Jungle Shadows x pumila) x ( Jungle Shadows x Cretica)) x ((Jungle Shadows x Cretica) x Kavan 11-66))). Varigay Gardens 1980. Honorable Mention 1982; Award of Merit 1984; Sass Medal 1987.

Available in New Zealand from several suppliers.
A big hat tip once again to Julie May of 'The Iris Garden' fame for her very fine photo.

As always clicking on the above image will take you to the larger, higher resolution version. Reproduction in whole or in part of this post, its opinions or its images without the expressed written permission of Terry Johnson is strictly prohibited. Photo credit and copyright Julie May and The Iris Garden ©.

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