
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

EDENITE and CALIENTE and that blasted wiki iris thing again.

We grow large clumps of 'Edenite' (Plough, '58) and 'Caliente' (Luihn, '69) at home so it was with some wonderment that I recently received an email from a concerned Iris grower about the identification of his Iris and could I inform him if the Iris in the photo attached to his email was Edenite or Caliente??
I replied to the gentleman politely pointing out he must be confused as the two irises are so completely different, and inquired how was it possible to confuse the two varieties?????
Back came the email reply which referred me to a listing for 'Edenite' on that blasted wiki thing and on the page a note states " 'Edenite' is almost identical to 'Caliente' (W. Luihn, R. 1969) The difference is the color of the beard." and 'Yes Folks' after looking at the listing for 'Caliente' there is a double dose of this claptrap, the note on this page states " 'Caliente' is almost identical with 'Edenite' (Plough, R. 1958). The difference is the color of the beard." These pearls of wisdom have been there since 1st February 2011, that's almost three years of misinformation!!

Well I put the gentleman straight that these statements are pure works of fiction which took a bit of convincing as
unsurprisingly he was sure the American Iris Society would know best.  The 'slam dunk' is the above image, but I also copied him the registered descriptions from the 'real' Checklist database, also the introduction notes by Eden Road Gardens and Mission Bell Gardens which all make no mention of this little known look-a-like fantasy.
As readers can see that the official check lists entries below list the colour of 'Edenite' as "Sooty red-black". 'Caliente' on the other hand it's colour is described as "Wine red" two totally different hues. 
I sent the above photo collage to one of Americas most distinguished Irisarians and the reply "THAT'S IT!!! I first saw Caliente in the Luihn garden before introduction. There is NO way it could be confused with Edenite" 

AIS Checklist, 1959.
EDENITE (Plough, R. 1958). Sdlg. 55-11-14. TB 30" EM. RN1. Sooty red-black. Great Day x Sable Night., Eden Road 1959. H.C. 1958, H.M. 1959 A.M. 1961.

Eden Road Iris Garden, Wenatchee, Washington. 1959 introductions.
EDENITE--- EM. 30 in.( Great Day x Sable Night) Entire flower is deep red-black with falls having a sooty black appearance. Flower is large with wide petals. Fertile both ways. H.C. '58 ...........................$35.00 net.

AIS Checklist 1969
CALIENTE    Walter Luihn, Reg. 1967. Sdlg. 64-9. TB 38" ML. R1.    Wine red self; bright gold beard. ((Tompkins 54-173 x Bang) x (Oriental Glory x Huntsman)) X Forward March., Mission Bell 1968. HC 1966, HM 1969.AM 71.

Mission Bell Gardens, Melba and Jim Hamblen,  South Roy, Utah. Introductions for 1968.
CALIENTE (Walt Luihn). ML. 38". Brilliant wine-red of exceptional smoothness and clarity of color, highlighted by a heavy beard of antique gold. The standards are domed and the wide flaring falls have a jaunty lilt. Strong stalks with superb branching and prolific bud count. ((Tompkins 54-173 x BANG) x (ORIENTAL GLORY X HUNTSMAN)) X FORWARD MARCH. Sdlg. 64-9. HC '66 Net $25.00

When this wiki thing was first mooted did someone say the price for the Iris Encyclopedia will be to make the American Iris Society purveyors of inaccurate information?? I think not! But that is what is happening. Apparently a huge amount of the AIS membership do not even own a computer so are blissfully unaware that Iris nomenclature and the status of the AIS as the 'go to' organisation for accurate iris information which members take so much pride in, is being constantly eroded by the inaccuracies deceminated by this Ersatz Iris Encyclopaedia.   
Maybe if the Manager of this iris wiki free-for-all spent more time editing the web site information and less time trying to emulate that Hanna-Barbera animated fictional character 'Muttley wants a medal' the problems highlighted above would have had a slimmer chance of seeing the light of day! But Hey that's not something that's going to change any-time soon.  

As always clicking on the above image will take you to the larger, higher resolution version. Reproduction in whole or in part of this post, its opinions or its images without the expressed written permission of Terry Johnson is strictly prohibited. Photo credit and copyright Terry Johnson and Heritage Irises ©.

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