
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Intermediate Bearded Iris 'SPRING NIGHT'

Another Black and fragrant Intermediate Iris (Starting to see a trend?)

AIS Checklist 1979

SPRING NIGHT (W. Peck, R. 1974). Sdlg. 6726. IB 23" (58 cm) M. Very dark violet self; light violet beard. Inky X Jet Black., Old Brook 1975.

Don't forget, Click on any photo to view a larger image

Photo credit and copyright Iris Hunter 



  1. Gorgeous... and fragrant how wonderful. It almost looks like velvet. I wonder if I could get hold of an example here in Europe?/LOL Tyra

  2. You could try Marianne Joosten in Holland see the Kwekerij-Joosten listed under Iris Links.I Know she has Black Watch.Regards Terry
