
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Siberian Iris Seedling

Siberian Iris seedling blooming this morning. Its the start of a new line I am hoping to achieve in extending the bloom season and try and get some re-bloom thrown into the mix. To early to say if this seedling will re-bloom but it has good form and good size blooms each stem having One branch and 5 buds with blooms above the foliage, has good vigorous growth, all of which might make it avoid the compost heap. Still there is another 25 seedlings in this cross yet to bloom so here's hoping for some colour variation.
Ran it past my good Siberian Iris friend Ellen Gallagher who "loved it" especially the ruffling which is "just the right amount"

A diploid with great parents. Springs Brook X ( Salamander Crossing X Just Cruising )

Immediately after the photo was taken it was selfed so is now looking a little sad with no standards and the falls all tied up, so I will soon get to see if it is fertile. (plenty of pollen which is generally always a good sign)

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Photo credit and copyright Iris Hunter

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