
Monday, January 26, 2009

Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off, and Grow Siberian Iris

'Fond Kiss' Courtesy Joe Pye Weed Garden

Today starts the series "Siberian Iris"
Photo above "Fond Kiss' the Morgan Wood Medal winner for 2008 and my sincere congratulations to Jan Sacks and Marty Schafer of Joe Pye Weed's Garden fame. Plant can be ordered in America for April delivery from Joe Pye Weed's Garden.Order Early, I am sure it will be popular.

Description from JPW Catalog 2009.
FOND KISS - 1999, M & RE, 33". A big extravagant flower and an even more extravagant display. Warm white with a large pink flush on the falls. Three buds open in slow succession followed by repeat. AM’04

Fond Kiss was sold in New Zealand so it is growing somewhere in the Country I'm sure

The coming few weeks there will be post with information on "How to grow' and of course where to buy them from. Plus we have been sent some amazing Siberian Iris photos most from the hybridisers themselves. Siberians are sold in the US of A in the Spring and Fall and by Tomas Tamberg in Germany in Spring. In New Zealand Siberians are sold in the Autumn so with the Spring next up in the Northern Hemisphere, and with Autumn next up in the Southern part of the World we can promote the Irises and no one will have to wait to long for their plants to arrive. Visitors will also note a New Siberian Iris Link on the left side column this will make it easier for visitors to link with the growers Web Sites and the Siberian Iris Society for the period of this series of posts.

So "Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off, and Grow Siberian Iris" I guarantee they will brighten up your day and the garden no end.


  1. Fond Kiss is simply the largest siberian iris I have ever seen, and one of remarkable coloration as well. very distinctive, very different. A wonderful garden iris for mass effect. I am happy to see it being presented to a wide audience.

  2. Thanks Mike for your astute comments which are always appreciated.I hope to feature some Historic Siberians as well which should be of an interest to all.One new Siberian Iris post every second day until the end of February is the target.
