
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Keith Keppel Iris 2009 Catalogue



Two weeks ago Keith Keppel's Iris Catalogue arrived in the post. Truly amazing to see what a hybridising Giant of the Iris world has to offer. Keith is a magician with visual perception and has the foresight required when it comes to selecting which varieties to cross with. It's just to bad Importing Irises to New Zealand is a wee bit tough at the present time, but things could change!! Anyway for those visitors to the blog lucky enough to live in the USA go and buy yourselves some classy Irises and for the rest of us we will just have to enjoy the pic's, and dream of what could of been.
Catalogue also contains a very good listing of Barry Blyth's Irises

Cover Shot Rainbow High

RAINBOW HIGH ML 40" (Starship Enterprise X Rio) Lemon yellow standards pale to cream on the outer third, then darken slightly at the margin. Falls are bright yellow near golden yellow beards, warm white in the center.. Next is a wide pleroma violet zone shading to a ⅜" light cedar brown band with paler rose tan outer edge. Guady is Good. #01-60A

For a catalogue, please send $3 to: Keith Keppel P.O. Box 18154 Salem, OR 97305 or you can now visit
Keith Keppel's Iris new web site, listed in the Iris Links on this page

"We are such stuff as dreams are made on." William Shakespeare .

Centre Page



  1. Mr. Keppel always introduces stunners! He is in my top three favorites!

  2. thanks keith keppel for the many years of beautiful iris!philip a powell atlanta georgia mar 11 2010
