..Yesterday called in to see Eddie Johns at Otara Birch Gardens without a doubt the best and largest collection of Japanese Irises in New Zealand and a very important Iris Gene Pool. Above photo is one of Eddie's 6 fall seedlings.Also in the gardens grows some amazing Hostas plus a virtual A-Z of unusual Horticulture splendor. Make sure you Visit his blog nzata@otarabirchIris Versicolor seedling that took my eye.The Hosta House a sea of gree...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
New Zealand Iris Grower 'The Iris Garden '

Julie May is the owner of 'The Iris Garden' a mecca for Iris lovers with an amazing display garden. Sorry no more mail orders. Potted Iris for sale at the nursery include Arilbred, Modern Tall Bearded Iris, some Intermediate Iris and historic Iris. The display garden is a great place to visit and offers a delightful Devonshire Tea, seated under the cherry tree or in the old cottage itself. The Iris Garden has the largest display of Ron Busch Irises which is worth a visit just to see the collection.
Group bookings welcome open...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
8:36 AM
New Zealand Iris,
New Zealand Iris Growers,
The Iris Garden
New Zealand Iris Grower 'Amazing Iris Garden '

..Amazing Iris Garden292 Busby Road,RD1 KATIKATINursery122 Walford RoadRD2 KATIKATIPhone 07-549-2429.Email wendy@irisgarden.co.nzWeb Site http://irisgarden.co.nz/index.htmlWendy Begbie is the owner of Amazing Iris Gardens located in Katikati, Bay of Plenty. Large Size rhizomes. Extensive Catalogue lists Dwarf ,Border, Intermediate,and Tall Bearded Irises. Wendy is a great supporter of New Zealand Bred Irises and this is reflected in the Catalogue listings.I have always received very friendly service and prompt replies to email inquires....
New Zealand Iris Grower 'Kingswood Irises'

..Kingswood Irises15 Railway Road Woodlands R D 1Invercargill.Phone/Fax (03) 2313230Email; rutherford@kol.co.nzWrite to Marion Rutherford for Kingswood Irises Catalogue which is on CD with some of the best Iris photos around. Catalogue lists Miniature,Standard, Border, Intermediate, and Miniature Tall Bearded Irises. Good prices and catalogue is a mixture of Historic , Heritage, and Modern irises. Always received very friendly service...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris "PRETTYFIELD "
This Tall Bearded Iris is a treasure to grow and is unusual in that at a distance it looks just like just another White Iris only to reveal its sophisticated semi-flaring subtle blue falls and clear bright white standards to the viewer once they get a little closer.A truly first class Iris from the late Paul Cook and a must have for Iris growers with good taste.Pollen Fertile.
I have an strong interest in Irises that have 'Progenitor' in their parentage, which is a cross between a yellow form of I.reichenbachii and Shinning Waters...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
11:55 AM
Historic Iris,
Paul Cook.,
Tall Bearded Historic Iris
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris "PEACH SPOT "
Another Re-blooming dazzling, zestful colour combination from George Shoop still flowering off and on well after all the other Tall Bearded Irises have packed their blooms away until next year. Fragrant with just the right amount of ruffles and a lovely grower. This photo taken today after some heavy downpours of rain last night and this morning.
GEORGE A SHOOP, 2009 N.E. Liberty, Portland, Oregon 97211, 1973. PEACH SPOT (Shoop '73). TB. 36" Midseason White, lightly ruffled standards. White broad falls, with a medium colored peach...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
4:45 PM
George Shoop,
Tall Bearded Historic Iris,
Tall Bearded Iris
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris "LATIN LOVER "
40 years old next year, another reliable Historic Iris I grow and its a re-bloomer. Good Straight stems, multi budded with branching, and a plant with high Health and shows good increase. The beard colouration is a wonder of nature and plant breeding, it's a great feature and I love it!
AIS Bulletin April 1969, page 88;
GEORGE SHOOP (Hybridiser) Portland Oregon.
LATIN LOVER (Shoop 69) Mid-season. 36" Lavender-pink standards, ruffled
and closed. Grape-wine falls with a distinctive lavender-pink rim on the
top and reverse side of...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
6:44 PM
George Shoop,
Historic Iris,
Tall Bearded Historic Iris
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris 'FOGGY DEW'
I have several clumps of the Pollen fertile Tall Bearded Iris 'Foggy Dew' spread around the Gardens. Always looks outstanding growing among the deep blues and black Irises. This variety is a vigorous grower with great plant health. 40 years old and is still an Iris that is much admired.
Bulletin of the American Iris Society, April 1969. Number 193. MORE CALIFORNIA FLAGS, 1969 Introductions, Keith Keppel, Stockton, California.
FOGGY DEW. M. 38" SIVA SIVA X DIPLOMACY. A pastel blended bicolor plicata?? The closed standards...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
7:29 PM
Classic Iris,
Historic Iris,
Keith Keppel,
Tall Bearded Iris
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Siberian Iris Seedling
Siberian Iris seedling blooming this morning. Its the start of a new line I am hoping to achieve in extending the bloom season and try and get some re-bloom thrown into the mix. To early to say if this seedling will re-bloom but it has good form and good size blooms each stem having One branch and 5 buds with blooms above the foliage, has good vigorous growth, all of which might make it avoid the compost heap. Still there is another 25 seedlings in this cross yet to bloom so here's hoping for some colour variation.Ran it past my good...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
1:36 PM
New Zealand Iris,
Siberian Iris,
Siberian Iris Seedling
Friday, December 5, 2008
New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris 'AUTUMN PRINCE'

Iris Hunting life sometimes has lucky breaks. The above iris was photographed this year in the Wallis Memorial Iris Gardens, (named after Masterton iris growers and breeders Bert and Nance Wallis), Queen Elizabeth Park, Masterton, a town close to where I live. The Wairarapa Iris Group looks after the garden and when I inquired as to its name, to my surprise (not really) no one knew!!!!!After some research, I considered that the Iris could be ' AUTUMN PRINCE'. Just last week I received a catalogue from the Amazing Iris Garden and...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
2:47 PM
New Zealand Bred Iris,
New Zealand Iris,
Ron Busch,
Tall Bearded Iris
..STOP THE BLOGRON BUSCH WINS THE NZIS BEGG SHIELD FOR HIS TALL BEARDED IRIS "IRWELL ACE" AT THE 2008 NEW ZEALAND IRIS CONVENTION. STILL WAITING FOR THE PRESS RELEASENote; I have taken a bet with fellow iris grower that by time "IRWELL ACE" blooms in my garden next bloom season and a picture of the iris which has to be taken by me is posted on my blog, that no published picture or article in any major NZ garden publication featuring "IRWELL ACE" will have occurred. The Bet does not included a blurred photo featured in a limited print members only garden club booklet. Its a bet I would love to loose but I am not holding...
Miniature Tall Bearded Iris 'MEADOW LARK'
MEADOW LARK (mtb) 1940, Mrs Mary Frakes Tharp, pioneer iris hybridizer of Payette, IDAHO.
The variety blooming over by the Woolshed yesterday. An iris who's
colouration is not generally well thought of by many, but at home
growing amongst darker background foliage of the roses and the purple
penstemon it is without question a stand out iris. It's like a little
neon sign saying 'come and look at me'.
This iris was registered as a Tall Bearded as you can see in the
checklist description below but there is no doubt that the Iris...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
5:39 AM
Meadow Lark,
Miniature Tall Bearded Iris,
Tall Bearded Historic Iris
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Iris Family "NEW BOOK"

..The Iris FamilyNew!Natural History and ClassificationBy Peter Goldblatt and John C. ManningNew Iris books are always good. Apparently this book will not arrive in New Zealand until January 2009 and the expected landed price will be NZ$200.00 plus.Fortunately it is Available Internationally NOW from Amazon for US$50.37 a saving of 37% off the American List price so click HERE and go directly to the Site and treat yourself for Christmas or click on the book cover above its a great deal!!!!Publisher's Notes. Hardcover, 336 pages,233...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
One of Barry Blyth's introductions that in my opinion is completely underrated. A fantastic late flowering Amoena, that has remained under the radar probably due to the date of its release which preceded the internet age and the ease of digital photography so missed the publicity that it justly deserves. An excellent garden Iris that grabs visitors attention . High health, good increase, great bud count and branching, it is without doubt a must have in anyone's garden. Quality all round.
Tempo Two, Barry and Lesley Blyth, East Road,...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
12:38 PM
Barry Blyth,
Festive Skirt,
Tall Bearded Iris
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris 'MAJORETTE'
If I were only allowed to grow 10 irises this would be near the top the list. "Majorette" a strong grower that shows good increase. Bloom is bright and exciting for an almost Plicata that is both different and pleasing. When this Iris was first listed by Lyons Iris Gardens in America, it sold for the princely sum of $14.00. Can't say for sure who still sells this Iris in New Zealand but if I find out I will adjust this post later.
Lyons Irisland, 1955 Catalog, Lyons Iris Gardens, Van Nuys, California.
MAJORETTE (Miess 1953)
Vivid in...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
3:53 PM
Historic Iris,
Tall Bearded Historic Iris
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris 'ANNOUNCEMENT'
Photo taken at home this morning.
AIS ChecklistANNOUNCEMENT (Paul Black, R. 2002) Sdlg. F158AA. TB, 34" (86 cm), MS. pastel cameo pink, slight crystalline rim; style arms pastel pink, violet midline; F. pastel blue violet, pale violet white halo edge, white haft with few tan veins; beards tangerine, violet flounce; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. To the Point X Lookout Point. Mid-America 2002 HM 2004 AM 2006Its good to get the view of hybridisers concerning their introductions and Paul sent me these comments on 'Announcement' in...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Historic Tall Bearded Iris "AZURITE"
Purchased this iris some years ago and has become a garden favourite. I will have to shift it this season as the dogwood trees are starting to shade it, hence the only slight blue edging on the falls. If you can find it buy it!!! It's one classy ladySchreiners Iris Lover's 1964 CatalogAZURITE Highly individual.... a plicata that could almost be called a 'white plicata'. A few minute, lightest, speckling and dots of light violet and then nestled in the center of the flower is its main attraction--- strikingly rich blue style...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
4:58 PM
Historic Iris,
Tall Bearded Historic Iris,
Tall Bearded Iris
Iris variegata 'var.Reginae'
Iris variegata 'var.Reginae', collected in Hungary in 1947 but I am most sure that this natural clone has been around many century's before the date it was collected. There must be huge amounts of these types of Irises in parts of Europe and Russia that western gardeners are still oblivious to.Plant is about 40cm tall and the flowers size is approx. 6cm in height. Flowers just above the foliage and usually bears two or three lateral heads. Glaucous green ribbed foliage. It's one tough little plant.Super species type for Heritage gardens.I...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
11:36 AM
Historic Iris,
Intermediate Bearded Historic Iris,
Species Iris,
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris "PRIZE LADY"
First bloomed for me at home 4 days ago,and what a top surprise. 'PRIZE LADY' was given this name by Noel Lapham because as you can see in the checklist description it had won a CM in 2005. Please don't ask me what a CM is but it seems a obscure Award for such an outstanding Iris. One would think this amazing Iris is been considered for New Zealand's Highest Iris Award. It is my opinion (and that's what this blog is) that this iris is of a international standard, more than a match for imported varieties, showing high health,...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
6:18 PM
Broken Colour,
New Zealand Bred Iris,
New Zealand Iris,
Splish splash,
Tall Bearded Iris
Monday, November 10, 2008
New Zealand Iris 'MUNRO SPECIAL'

Munro Special growing in Mrs Mary Greaves garden in Masterton, NZ.
Standards on this lovely iris are a lavender blue, and the falls are a great show of velvety purple edged lavender blue with conspicuous white lines radiating from the haft's giving the blooms a distinguishing Heritage look. Plant is vigorous and has good plant health. It is yet to show good branching, but hopefully this will come to pass next year when the clump is more established. Good for floral display as well as being a choice garden variety.
AIS Checklist...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
6:38 AM
Gwen Henderson,
New Zealand Bred Iris,
New Zealand Iris,
Tall Bearded Iris Munro Special
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris 'BLUSHING BEAUTY'
Purchased this Iris from an grower in Wanaka who no longer sells commercially and it is a looker. A complete delight to us each year it flowers and growing amongst a bed of blue irises, its subtle soft warm white with peachy pink flushed hafts, its large blooms (165mm/6½ inches) stand out like a beacon making it a very pleasant Historic Iris.
AIS Checklist 1969
BLUSHING BEAUTY (Noyd, R. 1964) Sdlg. N61-3-33 TB 34" EM WS S warm white flushed pink at base; F white, clear pink at haft; coral beard, serrated edges (Pink...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
1:12 PM
Historic Iris,
Tall Bearded Historic Iris,
Tall Bearded Iris
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris 'CRYSTAL GLITTERS'

Purchased this iris last year from 'The Iris Garden' only because it was reasonably priced. After flowering I have come to realise that with a $8.00 price tag this iris is more than just great value. I would recommend this impressive iris to everyone so get your order in before Julie runs out!!
Tempo Two, Pearcedale, Victoria, Australia. Iris, Daylilies,
Hosta Catalogue 1994-1995 CRYSTAL GLITTERS. (Schreiner's 1985 USA) EM 36"A warm glow of pink and peach highlights the creaminess of this iris.Lovely...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris 'BROOKSIDE'
'Brookside' another standout Iris from New Zealand's Ron Busch. I took this photo in my garden some weeks ago but had problems with Ron's checklist colour description of robins egg shell blue but the photo has been checked by others and Ron and I am assured that the Iris pictured is true to label. It is darker than the same variety growing in Christchurch but I have put this down to a regional difference. A good grower with good branching and reasonable increase. Interesting parentage.
AIS Checklist 1999
BROOKSIDE (Mr. R.W. Busch...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
3:05 PM
New Zealand Bred Iris,
Ron Busch,
Tall Bearded Iris
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Historic 'Dursley Gardens"
..I made a visit today to the Historic Dursley Garden in Bideford and was shown around the by the gardens owner, the very effervescent Judith Callaghan.Sadly the the iris in the Del are a few days away from peak bloom.The Gardens were originally designed by Alfred Buxton in 1916 when the property was known as Te Rangi Pai. The name changed to Dursley in the 1930's.The 300 roses and original plantings of trees growing throughout the gardens, the views to the hills allow a visitor to see Buxtons vision still today.Car Park GreetingsDriveway...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Siberian Irises are my first interest in Irises and always give me much joy.My season this year looks to be about 10 days earlier than normal and no I do not think this has to do with climate change!! In 2007 'BANISH MISFORTUN which bloom's continuously for the full siberian season won 'The Award of Merit' which is an award for Irises proven of value over at least five years since introduction and this sum's up this iris nicely.Joe Pye Weed's Gardens 2008 CatalogBANISH MISFORTUNE - '99, E-L, 45". Standards and falls are mid-lavender-blue...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tall Bearded New Zealand Iris 'FOAMING SEAS'
Waterson Irises, Wanganui. 1959-60 Catalogue.
Rarely has a new iris in this country received such high acclaim before its introduction as has this lovely and sensational silver-blue, which we are introducing for its raiser, Mrs. Stevens, this year. During the flowering season last November, there was always a small crowd around Foaming Seas, photographing, examining, or just standing drinking in the beauty of its crystalline blossoms. It is being introduced in America later this season by Schreiner’s Iris...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
1:32 PM
Jean Stevens Iris,
New Zealand Bred Iris,
New Zealand Historic Iris,
Tall Bearded Historic Iris
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris 'EVERYTHING PLUS'
EVERYTHING PLUS Dave Niswonger Mid Season bloomer 29" and can on the odd occasion re-bloom. Soft blue white standards mixed with soft violet broken colour. Falls are
white stitched with deep violet and mustard gold beards tipped purple
bronze.Very distinct and consistently performs in every garden but it's
problem is that it is not overly tall, and the branching begins right at
ground level and works its way up through 4 branches, the lower branch
is quite long, coming up almost even with the top branch, I...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris 'PARAGON'
Schreiners Catalogue 1952
Paragon (Stevens) 1947. E.M. 36"Serene lovely rounded flowers of a delicate pearly shell colour or opalescent cool pinks. So cool and morning fresh it is bound to capture your attention and admiration. A hint of copper in a half inch margin around the edge of the petals and the rich mellow throat makes the whole flower glow . Exquisite planted with bright blues or deep violet.
Stevens Bros Catalogue 1949-50
Lovely rounded flowers of delicate pearly shell colour draw the attention and admiration of all....
Posted by
Iris Hunter
5:16 PM
Jean Stevens Iris,
New Zealand Bred Iris,
New Zealand Historic Iris,
New Zealand Iris,
Tall Bearded Historic Iris,
Tall Bearded Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'PROPHECY'
Another Iris name that was originally used by Jean Stevens, and then used by Joe Ghio. This also applied to the Iris VANITY originally used by Jean Stevens in 1949.
Still the iris PROPHECY pictured above is a good looking Iris which shows good increase, long bloom season, and gives pleasure in our garden,but in saying that it sure would have been nice to have both.
AIS Checklist 1979
PROPHECY (Joseph Ghio, R. 1970). Sdlg. 67-95A. TB 36" (91 cm) E-L. Light blue with deeper blue-violet spot on F.; blue beard. 65-125:...
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