One of Barry Blyth's introductions that in my opinion is completely underrated. A fantastic late flowering Amoena, that has remained under the radar probably due to the date of its release which preceded the internet age and the ease of digital photography so missed the publicity that it justly deserves. An excellent garden Iris that grabs visitors attention . High health, good increase, great bud count and branching, it is without doubt a must have in anyone's garden. Quality all round.
Tempo Two, Barry and Lesley Blyth, East Road, Pearcedale, Victoria, Australia, Season 1986-87
Tall Bearded Iris, New Introductions for 1986/87.
ORIENTAL ALABASTER (Blyth 86 Aust) M-ML 38". A lovely near amoena with a smooth application of colour just like alabaster. Standards are creamy white with deeper flush at midribs; falls are a lovely smooth creamy apricot. Beards are red tangerine. Flowers are wide and ruffled and are larger than usual for this class of amoena. A super grower and prolific flowerer. (Cameo Wine x (Love Chant x Festive
Skirt)) ........................................$25.00
AIS Checklist 1989
ORIENTAL ALABASTER (B. Blyth, R. 1986). Sdlg. Q108-A. TB 38" (97 cm) M-VL. S. creamy white, flushed apricot at midrib; F. smooth creamy apricot; red tangerine beard; ruffled. Cameo Wine X (Love Chant x Festive Skirt)., Tempo Two 1986/7.
Sold in New Zealand by Richmond Irises, in Australia it can be purchase from Yarrabee Garden and Iris, and I am yet find who sells it in America if someone knows please leave the information as a comment.
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Reproduction in whole or in part of this post, its opinions or its images without the expressed written permission of Terry Johnson is strictly prohibited.
Photo credit and copyright Terry Johnson and Heritage Irises ©.

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