Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cold snap moves North

..The hills, just up the road towards the west photo taken 20 minutes agoReally unusual to have snow so low and so early and ridiculously cold, and whilst it snowed at home it melted when it hit the groundToday never got past 2°C, and the wind chill would freeze the nuts off a F1-11The MetService said snowfall was down to near sea level from Southland to Kaikoura Coast and at unusually low levels in the North Island.Photo Credit and Copyright Iris HunterClick on any photo to view a larger image***...
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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Space Age Iris 'DANCE FOR JOY'

'Dance For Joy' a Space Age Iris which we do enjoy at home, has slightly smaller but intriguing bloom's in a display that comes early in the season and then re-blooms later. It has that X factor in the form of the spoon shaped petaloids. Monty Byers was truly one of the most original and ardent breeders of irises in the iris world. In that world his niche was expanding both with accomplishment and promise--until death cut short all inspiration and activity. But his iris creations still remain to pleasure our gardens and to remind...
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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tall Bearded Iris "SLOVAK PRINCE "

WHEN EASTERN EUROPE MEETS EAST TARATAHI From Eastern Europe to East Taratahi, it's an absolute pleasure to have 'SLOVAK PRINCE', growing in my garden at home. Most pleasing to see a Slovakian bred Iris rank number 46 in the 2009 AIS Symposium results, a great position among America's Tall Bearded heavyweights. This iris has a distinctive gold embossed edge on the standards a trait that has breed through to newer seedlings in Tony's breeding program. Prince George' a very fine introduction from the superb plant breeder, the late George...
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Monday, May 18, 2009


..I am about to leave for Wellington this morning and as this afternoon I will be at the National Alexander Turnbull Library researching I decided to take a laptop from home. Last time I was in Wellington using a laptop outside of working for a client I used CaféNET as my wireless internet provider. This was some 2 years ago so this morning I decided to buy some MBytes data quota for my account. To my surprise the data quota that I purchased more than two years ago is still credited to my account and can still be used.For the life of...
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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tall Bearded Iris "ALFRED EDWIN"

ALFRED EDWIN a 1950 British raised variety. It has inherited the PBF (Purple Bottom Foliage) from its pollen parent the French bred 'President Pilkington'. Its form is from its pod parent the British bred 'White City'. The iris is a truly European breeding effort. This heirloom iris shows good increase, good plant health, shows plenty of bloom in a good season and its a keeper.Recently found mis-labeled in the Official Jean Stevens Collection as 'PINNACLE' which it quite obviously is not as the above photo shows a reverse amoena, it...
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Thursday, May 14, 2009


..Doddington Hall near Lincoln is looking forward to its first Iris Week, which takes place 24 – 31 May inclusive. Every day that week the Gardens will be open so people can enjoy the irises that are so lovely they were featured by BBC Gardeners’ World. In conjunction with the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), the Hall is also offering a special Irises at Sunset Tour & Buffet on 29 May.By late May the irises in Doddington Hall’s walled West Garden are at their peak giving a stunning display. Aside from looking exceptionally pretty,...
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Of Concern

On the subject of Growing Irises in New Zealand, it has transpired that 0.006962970458901531% of the total New Zealand population* are claiming to represent us all.The New Zealand Iris Society organisation has embarked on a spectacularly unsuccessful campaign from day one to shut this blog down and many web masters who have Links with this blog have been pestered with correspondence from some members of the NZIS executive to have Links with this blog withdrawn and have used a contentious opinion 'that a Link with my blog is a validation of my personal viewpoints', to justify the request.This behaviour is not what could be...
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Sunday, May 10, 2009


Every time I see this Iris or hear its name it brings back memories of the 70's and the Starland Vocal Band who had a #1 hit song by the same name.It's prolific blooming reminds me of the line "Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight." though I am sure the song writer had something else in mind when writing the lyrics. All and All its a mighty fine Iris and a garden favorite.Sold by almost all comercial Iris growers in New Zealand.  In the US of A it is still been sold by Cooley's Iris Garden who sell it for the amazing...
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Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Famous Cooley's Iris Calendar 2009-2010

..The Famous Cooley's Iris Calendar is for sale now, measures 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches and pictures all their new introductions for the 2009 season plus some of their favorites. The calendar runs from May 2009 through May 2010. Plenty of room on each day for appointments or scheduling your watering and fertilizing. Individual photos are bigger than life-size. Click on the above photo To order your calendar on-line***...
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Schreiner's Iris Gardens Open Garden Announcement 2009

..Look what turned up in the Inbox today . Click on the Invitation for more details***...
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Tall Bearded Iris 'BLACK FOREST'

Black Forest bloomed at home late last week which is unusual as it is not renowned for re-blooming. It is the Iris that is acknowledged as the Progenitor of the great Schreiner Blacks It has quite a nice scent and it ticks all the ID boxes apart from only reaching a stem height of 26"(66cm) yet Schreiner's have it listed as 33"(84cm) in their 1948 catalogue which featured BF on the cover. Whilst it is not uncommon for re-blooming irises to be shorter in the Autumn flowering there is some contention as to the height listed by Schreiner's...
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©2008 - 2016 HERITAGE IRISES. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or storage of this website's content is prohibited without prior written permission. Terry Johnson in association with The Iris Hunter,What Have You Productions and 15 out of 7 Design.