In 1839 Jean-Nicolas Lémon had published in the Annales de Flore et de Pomone a list of one hundred varieties which were mostly irises he had raised and named, 'Jacquesiana' was included in this list. Then once again in the Annales de Flore et de Pomone ou Journal des Jardin in 1841 Lémon had another article published in which he featured five of his new introductions in more detail and these varieties accompanied by a beautiful colour plate. These irises were Iris de Boismilon, Iris Madame Rousselon, Iris Madame Lémon, Iris Jacquesiana and Iris Conqueror. Lémon named 'Jacquesiana' in honour of Henri Antoine Jacques the head gardener of the Royal Neuilly Domain.
The photos of the iris 'Jacquesiana' in this post graphically display the stigma of a canary yellow colour cut longitudinally by a dark brown band, which is just how Lémon described it, and this along with the veining on the falls and the length of the beard are displayed well. The style arms protrude well past the standards that finish with strong upturning crests is also a recurring feature of early French Dipliod breeding. All these distictive features are also displayed well in the colour plate illustration.
Annales de Flore 1839-1840, nouvelles variétés d'iris. Descriptions Jean-Nicolas Lémon
3e SÈRIE. Plantes s'élevant de 70 centimètres à 1 mètre.
Iris Jacquesiana. fond bleu azuré très tendre, pétales extérieurs pourprés brun velouté.
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Annales de Flore et de Pomone.
July 1842
Et des champs 1841-1842 IRIS NOUVELLES.
Pour donner autant que possible une idée de la collection objet de l’article ci-dessus, j’ai fait figurer cinq iris pris dans son sein (voir planche)
4. Iris Jacquesiana. Fleur bien faite, pétales intérieurs érigés, ondulés d'un jaune serin en dedans depuis l'onglet jusqu'à près de la moitié du limbe, dont l'autre partie est teinte d'une nuance tirant sur le fauve plus ou moins foncé ; l'onglet est verdâtre, pointillé et strié en dedans de marron brun; les pétales extérieurs sont allongés, ou peu ondulés sur les bords, teints d'une couleur pensée au sommet, ensuite blancs au centre et jaunes au bord, et striés sur ces deux dernières nuances de pourpre violet; l'onglet est vert jaunâtre en dehors, les barbes sont d'un jaune orange, et les stigmates d'un jaune serin coupé longitudinalement par une bande marron foncé. Jean-Nicolas Lémon.
The Gardeners Chronicle, 'Foreign Correspondence Paris, 31st May, 1841'.
Jacquesiana, bronze lilac and brown crimson.
'The Garden', May 27, 1876, Handsome Irises, D Thomson.
There is now an almost endless variety of Irises, and for the information of these persons who may desire to form a select collection of them, the following list may be found useful......
Jacquesiana, reddish-bronze, lower petals crimson, reticulated with yellow and white.
The Gardeners Chronicle, 'The German Iris' 15 June, 1878
Mr. Robert Parker's Nursery large collection, Tooting, South London
Jacquesiana, reddish bronze, dark orange, and velvety crimson, very fine and distinct.
Cayeux & Le Clerc, Quai de la Mègisserie, 8, Paris. Catalog (thought to be 1906-1907)
Jacquesiana (Lémon 1840). Sépales cuivrés, largement pointés violet évêque, pétales cuivré clair.
The Times, July 6th, 1907
Irises, W.R.Dykes
While to sambucina we owe the scent of elder-flowers , from which it takes its name, and the gold dust which seems to cover the standards of such flowers as Jacquiniana, when seen in bright sunshine.
The Dean lris Gardens, Moneta, California.The Iris 1914.
SQUALENS GROUP The Standards Are Clouded Shades of Copper, Bronze and Fawn.
Jacquesiana. S. bright coppery crimson; F. rich maroon. Handsome. 30 inches.
Elm-Leigh Nursuries, Putney, Vermont. Season 1921.
Jacquesiana. Standards light coppery red, falls rich distinct and beautiful.
Bulletin of the American Iris Society, October 1922, Number 6.
Descriptions of Varieties, Part 1.
Bicolor, V-R. ,blend. (d). Lémon, 1840
Brief. S. vinaceous lilac;F. flaring, velvety blackish red purple; styles and haft buff; stalk,high and well-branched'; growth vigorous; to 4 ft.
Details. Foliage tinged at base; S. revolute, ruffled, and notched; beard yellow, orange tipped; Pollen cream-white.
Remarks. Listed in England as Jacquiniana. It may be differentiated from Arnols or Prosper Laugier by the flaring carriage of the falls.
Les Iris Cultivés 1922 (choix de 100 variétés pages 30-31-32)
Jacquesiana (Lémon 1840) Divisions supérieures rouge violacé fumé, divisions inférieures rougeâtre velouté
Cayeux & Le Clerc, Quai de la Mègisserie, 8, Paris. Catalog 1923.
Jacquesiana (Lémon 1840) S. copper-crimson shaded buff. F. wineish violet. Reticulated maroon at the throat.
Treasure Oak Nursery, Mays Landing, New Jersey, Catalog of Select Iris and Peonies, 1923.
The Best and Rarest of the Iris.
8.0 JACQUESIANA. (Lemon 1840. C., RHS.).$0.25 Squalens.
S.-Coppery crimson (Vinaceous Lilac), ruffled and notcbed. F.-Flaring black-red-purple. Leaf.-Base colored.
Resembling Prosper Laugier, though taller and of smaller bloom, and easily distinguished from either Prosper Laugier or Arnols by the flare of its fall. This is the most outstanding Iris in the older plantings and is best shown when in combination with the yellows, as Flavescens, Dawn, Aurea, or Shekinah, or the whites, as Innocenza, Albicans, or others of the type. Adapted to border planting as it appears to a greater advantage when seen close at hand.
A Handbook of Garden Irises, W.R.Dykes, 1924.
Chapter 16 Garden Bearded Irises
Of the older varieties those most likely to survive are...................
Jacquiniana (30ins., Lémon, 1840), with coppery-crimson standards and velvety maroon falls.
Cornell Extension Bulletin 112, 1925.
Bearded Iris A perennial suited to all Gardens. Austin W.W. Sand.
Jacquesiana (Lémon 1840). Color effect a bright russet-crimson, velvety bordeaux bicolor. S. russet vinaceous, bronzed olive buff on claw. F. velvety bordeaux, netted-viened on broad light outer haft. The bronzed orange beard is fine, dense, and projecting. This plant is a vigorous grower, and has lax, slender, deep green foliage, tinged at the base. Its excellent, velvety blooms are freely produced and well carried on long stems.This exceptional variety should be included in every collection. Rating 80.
Longfield Iris Farm, Bluffton, Indiana. Price List 1926
Jacquesiana ( Lémon 1840). Standards bronzy lilac red; the flaring falls rich purple red. An old variety but still a favorite. Three feet. $0.35
A H Burgess and Son, Iris Specialist, Waikanae, Wellington. Irises 1924-1926.
Jacquesiana; Standards copper crimson; Falls maroon. 2½ft.
Leamon G. Tingle, Pittsville, Maryland. Tingle's 1927 Catalog of Nursery Stock.
JACQUESIANA (Lemon 1840). An amazing rich coloring and exceedingly beautiful flower. S, coppery rose, deepening to a bronze throat, F, rich velvety crimson-maroon. Golden beard. 25c.
The Orpington Nurseries Co. Ltd., Orpington, Kent. Irises 1930.
Jacquiniana. (Lémon) Copper crimson standards and maroon falls. 2½ feet. A good old Iris. Late.
Rainbow Fragments, A Garden Book of the Iris, J.Marion Shull, 1931.
General list of varieties.
JACQUESIANA (Lémon 1840) Clouded crimson to blackish red purple
Freedom of Bloom......Moderate to free.
Season of Bloom ........Late
Garden Value.............Medium
Color Class.................Bicolor
Color effect Ridgway symbols...VR-VL
Buds per stem.............Few
Branching...... ............Medium
Leaf Color...................glaucous blue green, based tinged with purple
Growth.......................Vigorous with good increase
AIS Checklist 1929
A.F.P 1840; Garden Chronicle 1841; Hovey 1860; Elwang 1873; Garden Chronicle 1894; The Garden June 1913; Francis 1920; Wing 1920; Sheets 1928; Class Vlc (1) AAA 145; H.C., R.H.S. 1st June 1893, shown by Wilks, Barr, Veitch; A 87; H.C., R.H.S.,14th June 1916.
Trials of Bearded Iris Royal Horticultural Society, notes Class Vl c (1) as 'Varieties with standards in which yellow is obvious, purple predominating'.
Over the next few years historic Iris identification will certainly be challenged and some of the varieties in established collections thought 'to be so' may perhaps become 'not to be so'.
As always clicking on the above image will take you to the larger, higher resolution version.
Major Hat Tip and "Merci beaucoup" to Catherine Adam for her direction and help with the French language, catalogue listings, and of course for sharing with you all the amazing photos of 'Jacquesiana'.
Reproduction in whole or in part of these photo's without the expressed written permission of Catherine Adam is strictly prohibited.
Photo credit and copyright Catherine Adam © .
Reproduction in whole or in part of this article without the expressed written permission of Heritage Irises is strictly prohibited.
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