Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tall Bearded Iris 'BREAKERS'

A delightful self of medium-blue colour 'Breakers' flowers on well-branched stems. Blooms late spring and sometimes early autumn. For me the rebloom is a intermittent bonus, but should not be relied on, but that aside its still one of our favorite blue irises. Generally speaking 'Breakers' was readily available a few years ago from a lot of commercial growers but for the life of me I cannot find a listing with a grower in New Zealand that I can recommend. Not sure why this is as it is a very good grower.  Schreiner's, Salem,Oregon,...
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Monday, April 12, 2010

Tall Bearded Iris "ORANGE EMPIRE"

'Orange Empire' is one of the great orange Irises from the 70's which was widely used as a parent in the 80's. Thirty seven years have past since its registration date and its still an amazing looker.This variety is fertile both ways. The Maerz and Paul, Dictionary of Color, 1st edition colour determination of Saturn Red is a bang on description for this iris beard colour. Was not what I had imagined the colour to be, but thanks to colour charts and hybridisers references to colour names in the checklist all helps a lot.'Cross...
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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tall Bearded Iris 'CARNIVAL TIME'

A well named solid performer from Schreiners that is a welcome sight in the garden. Brown toned Irises otherwise known as blends can be susceptible to regional difference when it comes to colour tone and difference in colour can be due to mineral content in the soil. 'Carnival Time' is a 34 year old veteran yet its form is current. Fertile both ways. Schreiner's Iris Lovers Catalog 1982  CARNIVAL TIME (Schreiner 1976) E.36" This buoyantly rich shaded blend presents a pageant of color. It's animated rich shade of burnt sugar...
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

iRis on iPad

Today there is a new species in the Iris world I.pad which iPredict will have a major effect the way we view the iRis world digitally. The Apple iPad has been launched today and you may ask what does that have to do with Heritage Irises, Well we are already on it, Blogger as a platform works particularly well on Apple Safari so we are off to a good start.Marketed as a device for watching video, listening to music, surfing the web and playing games, as well as an e-reader for books, magazines and newspapers.Some Iris Societies web...
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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tall Bearded Iris "SILVERADO"

'Silverado' winner of the Dykes Medal in 1994, grows in a clump of three in the garden is one of the best if not 'thee best' in a cool silvery blue colour tone . It has strong, clean and vigorous foliage.The stalks are thick and strong to support the weight of the large flowers and it form is faultless. Colour tone sometime described as crystalline silvery white with self beards tipped yellow in the heart. Good branching. Still widely catalogued internationally and still sold by the originator Schreiners some 24 years after its registration.Tempo...
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