Thursday, January 26, 2012

Anton Mego 2012 Iris FLYING CYPRIAN

Anton Mego writes," 'FLYING CYPRIAN' attracts with non typical colouring. Standards are light blue coloured with non regular dark blue tint. From their parents falls inherit velvet plum dark purple colour with lighter margin. Falls surface is leathery like, not very typical. Cinnamon like orange beards supply the blossoms with unique patina.  Nicely branched stalks have minimal 8 buds". AIS Checklist 2011 FLYING CYPRIAN (Anton Mego, R. 2011). Sdlg. AM-04/1510-1. TB, 34.5" (88 cm), EM. S. light blue washed darker...
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Anton Mego 2012 Iris SWEET VICTORIA

Anton Mego writes," 'SWEET VICTORIA' is a child of beautiful parents. Pink and creamy blossoms have a perfect form. Really stiff, waxy  and wavy blossoms. On the stiff straight stalks are usually 6-8 buds. Striking dark orange brushes raise a very attractive impression". AIS Checklist 2011 SWEET VICTORIA (Anton Mego, R. 2011). Sdlg. AM-04/1734-3. TB, 36" (92 cm), M. S. and style arms pink rose; F. light pink rose with cream centers; beards based white tipped dark orange; slight sweet fragrance; wavy....
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Anton Mego 2012 Iris ROYAL SUNSET

Anton Mego writes," 'ROYAL SUNSET', Extraordinary parents supplied Royal Sunset with the best genetic material. Standards are nicely formed lavender white colour. Margins are creamy brown, around the beards running inside the standards. Falls are velvet black purple colour. Around dark orange beards is a small light stain. Nicely wavy formed blossoms. healthy growing, predisposed to reproduce with at least 8 buds". AIS Checklist 2011 ROYAL SUNSET (Anton Mego, R. 2011). Sdlg. AM-05/1860-2. TB, 39" (86 cm), M....
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Anton Mego 2012 Iris GOING BLUE

Anton Mego writes," 'GOING BLUE'  is sky blue with perfect, wavy beautiful shaped blossoms. After its extraordinary parents Going blue inherits only good characteristics. Stiff stalks produce 8 buds giving rise 3 blossoms simultaneously. Healthy plant, no special care needed".  AIS Checklist 2011 GOING BLUE (Anton Mego, R. 2011). Sdlg. AM-05/2002-1. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), M. S. sky blue; style arms and F. clear sapphire blue; beards white based tipped yellow cream; slight sweet fragrance; very wavy....
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Anton Mego 2012 iris GARDEN PLEASURE

Anton Mego writes, "GARDEN PLEASURE is a garden lighthouse. Beautiful contrast between the standards and falls. Standards are creamy yellow with darker veins. Falls are wine-magenta, center of petals are lavender blue. Falls margins are thin creamy brown lined. Nice form and wavy blossoms make Garden Pleasure really charming.  State of health and also the growth is very good. Stalks branch out really nice with at least 8 buds. Good parent".  AIS Checklist 2011 GARDEN PLEASURE (Anton Mego, R. 2011). Sdlg. AM-05/1896-2....
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Intermediate Bearded Iris "SHAMPOO"

I have very limited information regarding the 1970-80 period of median irises,( As you can see below more information has come to hand since the original post date.) and I can find nothing about the Intermediate Iris 'Shampoo,' there is no mention of it in the AIS bulletins (I own a limited collection so lacks depth for this and other periods). I also just purchased 35 American Iris Catalogues from the sixties and seventies and eighties and surprisingly there is no listings of it in them....
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Friday, January 13, 2012

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris "IRWELL SURPRISE"

 Truly wonderful new entries into the New Zealand iris world are few and far between but every now and again even my iris world gets a surprise.  Its a sensational Iris that caught me completely unaware arriving in the form of a photo sent by Carol Rogerson the owner of South Pacific Epiphyllums who grows this iris. I had never seen this iris before even though it was registered in 2006.It could of been called 'Caught me by Surprise' but then again when thinking of the varieties Ron has introduced to date he...
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Keith Keppel Iris 2012 Catalogue

Yesterday the future arrived, doesn't happen often but that's the outcome when Keith Keppel's Iris Catalogue arrives in the post.  Each catalogue received becomes part of the truly amazing continuum from one of the hybridising Giant's of the Iris world. It's just to bad Importing Irises to New Zealand is a wee bit tough at the present time!! Anyway for those visitors to the blog lucky enough to live in the USA go and buy yourselves some classy Irises. Catalogue also contains a very large listing of Barry Blyth's Irises....
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tall Bearded Iris "PRINCE INDIGO"

An absolutely must have for a sixties historic iris collection is the sensational 'Prince Indigo'  It creates a staggering picture in the garden and one of its most important qualities, in my opinion is its extremely vigorous growth that produces top quality stalks that can carry up to nine buds each of a truly distinctive lustrous purple colour with good form that will not be mistaken for any other Iris.Schreiner's Iris Lovers Catalog 1964 SUPERLATIVE NEW IRIS FOR 1964 PRINCE INDIGO (Schreiner 1964) L 38"If space limitations...
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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Tall Bearded Heirloom Iris "NEW DAWN"

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!!! I thought this an appropriately named heirloom iris to celebrate the New Year. NEW DAWN' is an Iris with star quality in both parentage and colouration. In 1928 Emily Jean Burgess (later Jean Stevens) somehow crossed the early flowering William Rickatson Dykes-bred, pearly white coloured 'Moonlight' with Sir Arthur Horts' late flowering purple bi-colour iris ‘Hermione’.  The resultant seedling with no description of colour or form was only ever labelled ...
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