Friday, March 30, 2012

Tall Bearded Iris 'Venus Butterfly'

A stunningly bold, ruffled and flared bloom in an intoxicating blend of mulberry-lilac tan with a strong sweet fragrance. Add to the mix show branching and great bud count and it's just what we have come to expect of a selection from the Blyth dynasty. Excellent substance and great carrying power across the garden.'Venus Butterfly' in New Zealand is only now getting the degree of attention it deserved.Visit a garden where it is blooming and it will go to the top of your Must-Have list. As good as, if not better when compared to...
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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Anemone X hybrida, 'Max Vogel’' . Ranunculaceae

Anemone x hybrida 'Max Vogel'. Ranunculaceae At home growing in a full sun position this woodland plant has become firmly established, blooming at it's best with a fantastic display signalling that Autumn is well a truly here!! Commonly called the Japanese Anemone it is a hybrid between two species one being A.hupehensis, growing taller than the species 120cm-150cm.(48"-60"). The term Japanese anemone is misleading. A. hupehensis is actually a native of Hupeh province in Eastern China. Once established its super easy to grow.As...
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Friday, March 23, 2012


When researching Iris history there is always more to learn as I progress the purchasing or gain access to historical writings that may or may not contain articles of interest about 'The Iris'. I recently found this historically informative article, its author I have yet to identify but I thought it noteworthy for the colour description of irises named and the opening paragraph which is surprisingly current. The problem is I still haven't finished the writing of the original article which lead me to this information in the...
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Friday, March 16, 2012

Tall Bearded Iris TOTAL RECALL

'Total Recall' re-blooming today, showing off its delicate colouring of soft yellow standards and pearly white semi-flaring falls that are edged with the soft yellow of the standards. Well branched, with strong bloom stalks, clean foliage, and has a great weed-like vigour, so can very quickly make an instant clump. Its a light primrose version of the yellow tall bearded iris 'Joyce Terry'. I can't for the life of me remember it blooming this past season but it grows among other irises of the same colouration, and it's more 'subtle'...
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Monday, March 12, 2012

A Guide to Species Irises

THE WAITING IS OVER A Guide to Species Irises Their Identification and Cultivation Edited by The Species Group of the British Iris Society, Christabel King (Illustrated by), William R. Killens (Illustrated by) This volume was first published in 1997, providing the first comprehensive, botanically detailed and up-to-date survey of this beautiful group of plants since publication of The Genus Iris by W. R. Dykes. Following the pattern of the original Dykes monograph, botanical details, cultivation suggestions and general...
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Friday, March 9, 2012

Tall Bearded Iris 'DECADENCE'

Different? You Betcha! I could of joined the crowd and posted a catalogue shot of 'Decadence' but decided the above photo was a better selection as it accentuates the extraordinary ruffling and lace that have become the hallmark of this iris. Everything about it is extravagant from its bright apricot standards to the band of apricot around the rich red-purple falls that are enhanced with bright tangerine beards, very showy and an excellent parent. Grows with a robust vigour and high health in my garden. In 2011 'Decadence' was awarded...
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Friday, March 2, 2012

Tall bearded iris GYPSY RINGS

 "Yes, it is a good-looking iris! Also unmistakably Shoop--or at least Shoop derived". Phil Edinger 2012. This imposing and colourful iris had me baffled for a while as the photo that accompanied the Iris when it was purchased differed somewhat to the iris when it bloomed at home. A search on the internet came up with zilch, and the only available catalogue descriptions were from Bay Blooms (NZ) Spring/Summer catalogue 1998  which merely stated "This...
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