Saturday, May 26, 2012

Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris MAGIC RAY

'Magic Ray' a Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris bred by the late Hilmary Catton of Hawkes Bay. An early stand out bloomer with a delightfully tailored form,creamy white standards and falls, hafts softly reticulated chartreuse gold, bright orange beards, its like a very early flowering mini version of Jean Stevens 'Magnolia'. A vigorous grower clumping up well with bright green clean foliage and great plant health. Received the Lucy Delany Memorial Award at the reported to be very wet Taranaki Iris Safari, 1994, which is a testament to...
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My procurements for 2012

This is the list of my procurements for 2012, all one hundred and fourteen of them, and I have separated them into two lists one list for New Zealand Irises and one for Internationally Bred Irises did you notice I used the word  International and not 'Foreign'. Some selections are second glances but most will be grown at home for the first time.  Its a reasonable list of New Zealand bred Irises and those of you that know me will see a few that some mischief  could be had with, but of most concern is the huge difficulty...
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Monday, May 21, 2012

Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris IRWELL DELIGHT

In 1999 Ron Busch released and registered 5 Standard Dwarf Irises which just disappeared below the Iris World radar. No photos, no reports in Journals,they almost only existed as just 5 entries in a Checklist. I have been very fortunate to discovered that four out of the five beauties have taken up residency at Carol Rogerson of South Pacific Epiphyllums Nursery. One of the 'discovered' is pictured above, the Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris 'IRWELL DELIGHT'. As I do not grow this iris I asked Carol to share her thoughts on...
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Friday, May 18, 2012

Iris Germanica

AMATUEURS COLUMN THE GARDENERS CHRONICLE  July 14th 1894 IRIS GERMANICA.-- It is now nearly thirty years since I began to collect some of the varieties of Iris germanica, many of which are still the most beautiful, though I have added to their numbers of late years. This year a disease has appeared and killed several of my most thriving plants. One large clump of Aurea, full of bloom, just showing the colour, was struck, as it were, in a night, it having the appearance as though scorched, and so with a few others. I...
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tall Bearded Iris TIGER HONEY

 No two blooms colour configurations are exactly the same and blooms can change due to regional growing and seasonal changes so what the photo shows will never be exactly replicated the same again. 'Tie dyed', 'Splish Splashes', 'Batik', whatever you like to call them they are officially classed as 'broken colour'. 'Tiger Honey' as you can see is a unique jambalaya colouration of butterscotch, honey, tan and white. This strong grower is set apart not only by its colouring, but also by a great fragrance! It produces a nice number...
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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Flash Mob in the Copenhagen Metro

Pure class and really amazing. Anyone got any ideas how a Iris Society could flash mob a crowd?? ...
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Saturday, May 12, 2012

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris IRWELL ROYAL

In the year 1997 Ron Busch registered the iris 'Irwell Royal', becoming the first of many Irises to be registered by Ron with the prefix 'Irwell'. Strong and vigorous growth and plant shows good health. Full and pleasantly ruffled light purple standards sets a striking contrast to the plush velvety purple of the falls with a nicely ruffled edge. Golden bronze beards that end with a hint of amethyst complete this exquisitely coloured ensemble. Slight fragrance. Rossmore Iris Garden, Iris catalogue 2008/2009 Standards Purple,...
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Friday, May 11, 2012

Tall Bearded Iris 'LILAC HAZE'

'Lilac Haze' is a really good dependable garden variety with strong tall stalks supporting moderately large flowers with magnificent branching and vigorous plant habits – truly a weed, but tends to make a highly desirable, floriferous clump. Found growing in many New Zealand Iris gardens and still readily available from several suppliers. Mission Bell Gardens, Utah, Iris for 1973 LILAC HAZE (Schreiners 71) ML. 36" Lilac-orchid with a pearly lustre. The lightly ruffled blossoms are perfectly formed and have heavy substance. Sturdy...
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tall Bearded Iris 'WENCH'

With evenly-applied ruffling and lace 'Wench' has sultry pink standards with peach pink midribs contrasting with luxurious falls in a magnificent changeable array of translucent plum, orchid, and lilac all sharply outlined with a pencilled pink rim which is featured on both the top and also the reverse side, adding to the delight is the pink infused white haft reticulations leading the eye towards the bright tangerine beard. Constantly changing to different colour tones as the sunlight hits it and as one changes positions viewing...
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Saturday, May 5, 2012

New Zealand Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris 'ANA'

This heirloom iris now more than 35 years old and still has grace and charm. Growth is of moderate increase and has good plant health. Blooms have better than average substance, but as the photo shows its chief defect has been that it blooms a bit short which leads to the blooms some seasons getting lost in the foliage. Could make a good parent for someone interested in chasing the green lineage. Colour combination is good and falls shows the dominance of its 'Green Spot' parentage. Plant was purchased some years ago from Richmond...
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris 'ALAMOSA'

An absolute stunner!! This is the exciting Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris 'Alamosa' by Noel Lapham who is undoubtedly New Zealand's premier breeder in this class. Blooms have excellent shape, that are displayed on stems that hold the bloom well above the foliage, strong growth with good plant health. It has been reported to me that the bloom colour can vary slightly regionally but that is not unusual. Bred in the Deep South so can handle a good winter chill which helps as a good winter frost seems to be essential for plenty of bloom...
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