Friday, July 20, 2012

Richard Cayeux demonstrates how to hybridise Irises

View the BBC TWO video where Richard Cayeux demonstrates how to hybridise Irises. A garden inspired by the arts and crafts movement wouldn’t be complete without irises. Often captured in the artwork of that period, it’s a flower that captured the heart of one French family over 120 years ago. Today Cayeux Irises regularly captivate visitors to Chelsea’s Great Pavilion, but it’s out in their 55 acre nursery that the family’s true love affair with the flower becomes apparent. Big Hat tip to BBC T...
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New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris IRWELL DESERT SANDS

It's not everyday you see a Lemon plicata so Ron Busch's 'Irwell Desert Sands' is a welcome addition to the colour-tone. With bright golden lemon standards and similarly coloured falls that are sprinkled with cinnamon plicata markings that fade half way down the falls, this gives the bloom a burst of cinnamon colour highlighting the bright orange beards. Falls are also enhanced with a lighter tone of lemon striations for their full length. Blooms are wide and flared, with just the right amount of ruffling and appear in the mid...
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Sunday, July 15, 2012


ACCENT ON IRIS FLOWER SHOW 20th October, 2012 Saturday 10 am to 3 pm Burrell Creek Hall, The Bucketts Way Burrell Creek, New South Wales 17 km’s from the Taree Service Centre or 17 km’s north of Krambach. Quality Iris on Display and For Sale, also Daylilies and Fresh Flowers Light Refreshments available Do consider entering the flower show.You may win a prize for your effort, or, just add to the days Spring display! The Show Schedule is on the website, or contact Lyz to receive one. Entry Cost: $3.00 KINSPIRIT IRIS & DAYLILY...
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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jean Stevens and Keith Keppel on BREEDING BEARDED IRISES

BREEDING BEARDED IRISES By Jean Stevens Bastia Hill, Wanganui, New Zealand. One of the prime urges of the gardener is the instinct to create, when his garden is gay with flowers he will show you around with an air that says 'look at what I have achieved by my on labour, and my own planing!" This instinct to create reaches its highest fulfilment in the raising of new flowers. Then may he justly claim, "Look at what I have created!!" I should like to make an appeal to every iris grower to raise a few seedlings of his or her own...
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Tall Bearded Iris SOME LIKE IT HOT

'Sopra Il Vulcano' featured in the previous post was introduced in 1998. So just let’s fast forward a few years after this bright and colourful event to when Paul Black crossed the seedling labelled 12A ('Apricot Topping' (1997) x 'Romantic Evening' (1994)) with pollen of 'Sopra Il Vulcano'. The result was a Tall Bearded Iris Paul registered as 'Some like it Hot' in 2007 and just last year its pure class was recognised by an Award of Merit. The point? Just this - all the irises that Paul has used in this cross are not the latest...
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GOT ME THINKING AGAIN The thoughts for these posts on hybridising came about late February when I was sent the photo of 'Sopra Il Vulcano' re-blooming in Auckland and looking through the pedigree got me thinking. This stunning Iris is the result of crosses between three irises that on average were each twenty years old at time of its registration.  Now several years later Paul Black used the iris 'Sopra Il Vulcano' (1998) as the pollen parent in a cross with seedling he labeled 12A, ('Apricot Topping' 1997 X...
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Border Bearded Iris SOPRA IL VULCANO

This stunning Iris is the result of crosses between three irises that on average were each twenty years old at the time of hybridising in 1998. It is ‘Sopra Il Vulcano’, which had a big say in the iris ‘Some Like it Hot’ and it’s this iris that got me thinking (believe it or not) about New Zealand hybridising. This has resulted in this plus the next three posts, so in a way you could say this iris has hidden talent and so has its Italian hybridiser Augusto Bianco. It is a pity that this is the only one of his irises that I...
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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Iris biliottii, Collected 1887, Sir Michael Foster

THE GARDENERS CHRONICLE . SOME NEW IRISES, June 4th 1887. I.BILIOTTI sp. n. Rhizome like that of I.germanica. Leaves of a darker green, and more distinctly striated and more rigid than those of I.germanica. but like them largely persistent through the winter, narrowed somewhat suddenly to a point at the apex, about 21 inches long and 1¾ inch broad at the upper part, and ⅞ inch below, the broader part suddenly narrowing at the level, where in an iris leaf, the part answering to the lamina joins the part representing the petiole. Inflorescence...
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Iris biliottii, Collected 1887, Sir Michael Foster, Part 2

     So as not to detract from the writings of Sir Michael Foster I have kept seperate the following additional information. A HANDBOOK OF GARDEN IRISES By W. R. DYKES, M.A., L.-ès-L. SECRETARY OF THE ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. AUTHOR OF "THE GENUS IRIS," Chapter 16, CERTAIN TALL BEARDED IRISES. Under this heading it seems advisable to group and to attempt to describe and distinguish a number of Irises, which may or may not have an equally good claim to specific rank as...
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