Monday, February 25, 2013

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris IRWELL FANCY

I have been sent photos of seedlings recently from some international Hybridisers at the top of their game that look somewhat like this iris. The reason why I point this out is that 'Irwell Fancy' was registered in 2010 after nearly a two year delay and the seedling number indicates this iris is much older than it's registered date, more importantly though it shows just how much Ron Busch was at the top of his game many years ago!'Irwell Fancy' is taller than registered height and produces many blooms, nicely shaped...
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Saturday, February 16, 2013


Some Lesser Known Irises    PART I THE SIBIRICA GROUP By Miss J. Burgess, Waikanae. THE NEW ZEALAND SMALLHOLDER, February 16th, 1935. During the last eight or ten years we have come to realise the great value of the iris for giving a show of colour in the garden. Most gardeners can boast at least a small collection of the richly coloured and easily grown Bearded irises. The Japanese or Kaempferi section, as well as several isolated species of other sections, too, are fairly well known. There are, however, many...
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Dave Hall writes on the development of Flamingo Pinks Irises.

New Pink Irises for your GardenCourtesy Cooleys 1951 Catalog The New Pink Iris  Here's how this magnificent strain of Flamingo Pinks was developed - an entirely new color in iris. By David F. Hall  One morning in 1942 while inspecting our iris seedlings I was startled when I saw that one of the buds just opening was a deep pink, almost rose red. I had never seen a pure pink iris before, but it had been my dream for many years. Within a few days seven more pink flowers made their appearance among our seedlings,...
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Friday, February 15, 2013

Intermediate Bearded Iris 'RASPBERRY BLUSH'

'Raspberry Blush' is a standout Intermediate Iris. The standards are a soft raspberry pink and the falls are the same with a Raspberry flush on the falls coming ⅔ the way down. Beards a beautiful raspberry orange tone. A great early flowering iris that boldly announces in your garden that the Tall Bearded Irises are on the way.It should be noted that whilst the registered height of this iris blooms is 51cm or 20 inches but it is generally accepted that it grows a little less than this. The RHS granted 'Raspberry Blush' the Award...
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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tall Bearded Iris MORNING MAIL

Now if you were delivered this iris in the 'Morning Mail' it would make your day, don't you think??  A stand-out pure orchid-lilac self with a distinctly bright tangerine red beard . Extremely tough and resilient with great branching and a extended bloom period. Absolutely huge carrying power in the garden. Tempo Two, Pearcedale, Victoria. 1998-99 Iris, Daylilies, Hostas, Catalogue. New Introductions MORNING MAIL (Blyth 98 Aust) EM 38" About Town is proving to be an amazing parent for Self's and  ...
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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Jean Stevens on the raising of tangerine bearded pink amoenas Irises

Pictured above are Mrs. Jean Stevens, President of the New Zealand Iris Society and Marion Walker, President of the American Iris Society visiting the Schreiners display gardens, Salem, Oregon, May, 1956. Photo courtesy of Schreiners. LETTERS FROM NOTED HYBRIDIZERS, Region 14 Northern California Nevada Bulletin, Fall 1959. The Banquet at Region 14 convention in Porterville last spring was highlighted by the reading of letters from a number of nationally prominent hybridisers, all written...
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Friday, February 1, 2013

Tall Bearded Iris AMETHYST FLAME

There has been much written about this bold and impressive iris. It got itself in a lot of trouble with some growers when it was released because of its plant patent. The patent came with the anomaly that whilst there was no restriction on the use of patented irises in hybridizing, a grower of 'Amethyst Flame' at the time (60's) could not offer any increase to any iris society plant sales or auctions without written consent from Schreiner's to do so, but more on that later. This vibrant classic iris still has...
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