Thursday, August 22, 2013

Classic Collectable Tall Bearded Iris MOONSTRUCK

Small amounts of sort of zonal white beneath the yellow beard tipped orange which was empathised in the Artist enhanced image in the Schreiner's 1982 catalogue confirmed to me the ID plus the description in Schreiner's catalogue and other publications that documented its vigorous growth. At home 'Moonstruck' is a weed-of-a-grower, so very quickly makes a highly desirable, compact clump with a mountain of non fading yellow flowers. Make sure you plant the rhizome in a position so it can expand, one season this iris...
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How to Hybridise Bearded Iris, Iris Genetics and Hybridizing with Dr. Kenneth Kidd -- PART 2

As the new Iris season is getting close, and for those of us thinking about giving Iris Hybridising a go this season, you would have to agree it was very good timing that  GardenClips producer Patrick Volk sent me this message today "I was recently shooting video of irises at the Marsh Botanical Garden at Yale University when we ran into Dr Kenneth K. Kidd, Professor of Genetics, of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and of Psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine who dabbles in breeding bearded iris and he graciously agreed on the spot to show us how he does it. Your readers may find these videos to be a useful...
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How to Hybridise Bearded Iris, Iris Genetics and Hybridizing with Dr. Kenneth Kidd -- PART 1

As the new Iris season is getting close, and for those of us thinking about giving Iris Hybridising a go this season, you would have to agree it was very good timing that  GardenClips producer Patrick Volk sent me this message today "I was recently shooting video of irises at the Marsh Botanical Garden at Yale University when we ran into Dr Kenneth K. Kidd, Professor of Genetics, of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and of Psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine who dabbles in breeding bearded iris and he graciously agreed on the spot to show us how he does it. Your readers may find these videos to be a useful...
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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tall Bearded Iris BOLD VISION

  Long blooming, dramatic, and bold. It's a wonderful rich deep yellow iris with falls banded nearly an inch thick in a airbrushed brownish-red. A white zonal spot highlights the bright orange gold beards. Stalks are strong, of moderate height, with good branching, amazing coloured buds. Fred Kerr suggests 'Bold Vision' is a zonal variegata, Perry Dyer  suggests it is a Emma Cook Pattern. I just think its a ray of sunshine. Contemporary Views, 2003-2004, Perry Dyer– Emma Cook Pattern. BOLD VISION...
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Monday, August 19, 2013


Iris 'Irwell Angels Dream' ACCENT ON IRIS FLOWER SHOW Burrell Creek Hall, The Bucketts Way Burrell Creek, New South Wales 17 km’s from the Taree Service Centre or 17 km’s north of Krambach. 19th October, 2013 Saturday 10 am to 3 pm Quality Iris on Display and For Sale, also Daylilies and Fresh Flowers Light Refreshments available Do consider entering the flower show.You may win a prize for your effort, or, just add to the days Spring display! The Show...
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Friday, August 9, 2013

Historic Tall Bearded Iris GREAT LAKES

Perhaps one of 'thee' most popular Dykes Medal Irises that became equally popular among breeders as a fertile parent. This is one of the few classic looking historic irises in the true light blue colour, grows tall and vigorous and is a must for the back of the ultimate classic Iris display. A truly restful colour that mixes well with modern irises by adding a piece of classic Iris Royalty. Cooleys Gardens, Silverton, Oregon. Iris Catalog, 1938. GREAT LAKES (Cousins, 1938) In our 10 years experience of introducing Iris novelties,...
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Monday, August 5, 2013

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris 'IRWELL ROYAL HEIRESS'

Exciting and Explosive colours yet balanced and certainly not a cookie cutter iris. Ron Busch left the New Zealand Iris world a much more beautiful and brighter place than he found it. Perhaps I should consider a 'New Zealand Iris of the Year Award'. I am sure I could get a garden to grow the potential winning Irises, wouldn't be that hard to purchase a nice big 'Iris of the Year Cup', and perhaps organize some prize money.Who knows perhaps the 'Iris of the Year' would feature in the Gardening Press. All they...
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Saturday, August 3, 2013

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris LACE AND VIOLETS

This is a terrific iris to grow and being New Zealand bred iris makes it just the bit more special. The multi award winning iris 'Fancy Woman' (Keppel '95) gives Lace and Violets a luminata lineage and perhaps helped with its fragrance. Laced and ruffled, the colour patterning is a marbled lavender to violet airbrushed look over blue, white in the heart of the flower, most likely a variation of a luminata-plicata. Outstanding plant habits, includes good increase, clean light green foliage. ...
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Bee Aware Month – Love Our Kiwi Bees

August is Bee Aware Month and the National Beekeepers Association is urging the government to take the threat to bees much more seriously. Bees account for over 5 billion dollars of New Zealand’s economy through the pollination of crops and honey exports. But bees are under threat. Sadly, all wild bees have been wiped out by the varroa mite which is also threatening the rest of our bees. "The varroa mite is one of the biggest threats facing our Kiwi bees. It has spread throughout the country and we desperately need to contain...
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Friday, August 2, 2013

THE CLOUDED IRIS, Sir Michael Foster.

Courtesy 'THE GARDEN' July 9, 1881. THE GARDEN July 9, 1881 THE CLOUDED IRIS The handsome bulbous Iris, of which, during the last few weeks, mention has been frequently made under the name of Thunderbolt, and of which a most excellent woodcut appears with this note, is a very old inhabitant of our gardens. I first made its acquaintance many years ago when I found it growing in huge clumps in an old-fashioned border. The owner of the gardens spoke of it as the ...
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©2008 - 2016 HERITAGE IRISES. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or storage of this website's content is prohibited without prior written permission. Terry Johnson in association with The Iris Hunter,What Have You Productions and 15 out of 7 Design.