Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris BANBURY RUFFLES

Blooming today. The registered colour description of 'Banbury Ruffles' is a rich blue self but really the colour is more of a rich velvet blue violet. The falls are highlighted by a deep rich bold red purple halo that surrounds the white beards that are tipped a in soft amethyst. Superb bloom placement and display  and quickly becomes an excellent garden subject because of its outstanding strong growing habits. Super clean foliage that is proportional with the bloom, all and all a very well balanced and attractive Standard...
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Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Peacock Iris 'Moraea villosa'

Insanely beautiful, commonly known as 'The Peacock Iris', Moraea is a genus of plants in the family Iridaceae (Yip, that's the 'Iris Family'). This is the species 'Moraea villosa' blooms from September to October, and flowers last several days. The more white looking blooms are from bulbs that were sold labelled as 'Moraea aristata' the endangered species but I very much doubt that they are M.aristata. Still with a display like this whats to complain??? Moraea villosa is endemic to the Western Cape of Africa and was once renown...
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Friday, September 20, 2013

Miniature Tall Bearded Iris PARTURIENT

An absolute classic Miniature Tall Bearded Iris in a colour tone I'm quite partial to. Small, compact, well shaped flowers are a very bright red brown blend. Standards are a blend of honey to smooth red . Falls are darker dusky red brown edged with a narrow honey gold of the standards. Bright yellow beard. It is floriferous, and makes a stunning clump. Riverdale Iris Gardens, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1984 Price List. PARTURIENT (J. Boushay, 1980) Ruffled red-brown, darker falls...............................................$4.00 ...
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Friday, September 6, 2013

Helleborus x Double Hybrid

Hellebores are beautiful perennial garden plants that are in bloom in our garden from mid-winter to mid-spring. This is one beautiful double white spotted hellebore blooming in the garden today. I purchased this vigorous good health plant from the Telford family Clifton Homestead Nursery. These plants are grown from seed and as the plants are not species each plant although true to a particular colour type in this case double white spotted burgundy, but each plant is not strictly speaking identical which makes each plant a one-off...
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