Monday, February 24, 2014

Iris Hybridiser 'Michèle Bersillon'

Michèle Bersillon with her seedling, 9920R. (Sapphire Hills X Surf Rider)  I’ve been asked to write about who I am and how I came to be an iris breeder. . . so I’ll start with where I’m from. I was born in south-eastern Michigan,USA in 1952, and moved to France in 1986, where I have been living for the last 28 years. I only began to garden actively in the early 1990s when no one else had time to renovate a severely overgrown flowerbed containing (what else?) irises in ...
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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tall Bearded Iris BLACK SWAN

How is this for a Classic 6o's Iris?? Tall Bearded Iris 'Black Swan' a red black of classic form, large blooms on well branched tall stems, with buds that open easily.Open standards and the edge of the falls are tightly ruffled, this coupled with its dark brown bearded and contrasting white stamens all help to make the Iris an easy iris to ID (the falls have that look like they have been rolled with a pastry crimper).  Fantastic plant health with generous increase, and clean green foliage that is accentuated...
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Keith Keppel Iris 2014 Catalogue

BOSTON CREAM Keith Keppel Reg. 2014 E 31" (Snow Lion X ((97-88A: ((Handshake x (Cross Current x ((Snowbrook x Blackout) (Snowbrook sib x (Rain Flurry sib x Charmed Life))))) x (Spirit World x Answered Prayers)) x Moonlit Water) x (High Master x (97-88A x (Spirit World x ( Fancy Woman x (( Goddess x (Mistress sib x ((Joy Ride x Roundup) x (April Melody x 68-40)))) x sib ))))) Frothy warm white glaciata that looks good enough to eat. Just a touch of soft apricot shows on the hafts, and white beards a faintly tipped flame orangs....
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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tall Bearded Iris REAL DELIGHT

The blood lines of  both of parents of 'Real Delight' were widely used by hybridisers in the 60's and 70's,  producing Irises like Dawn Crest, Catalyst, Honey Rock, Love Letters, Pink Delight, Orange Bowl, and Marilyn C which also became a hybridisers favourite . 'Real Delight' is in the parentage of one of Schreiner's true masterpieces in the apricot orange tones the tall bearded iris 'Coral Sunset'. There are two 'Real Delight's' in this story and I don't mean the image count. There...
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©2008 - 2016 HERITAGE IRISES. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or storage of this website's content is prohibited without prior written permission. Terry Johnson in association with The Iris Hunter,What Have You Productions and 15 out of 7 Design.