Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Classic Tall Bearded Iris LOUDOUN CHARMER

This Iris is one of the garden favourites. Unbelievable growth with high health foliage. Large blooms on iron-rod stalks and the combination of the colours............. well to just say they are distinctive is nothing short of under selling what is an amazing balanced kaleidoscope of colours that is not often seen in newer varieties. A very classy classic iris and an absolute must have if you can find it!! Gene and Gerry's Iris Gardens, Frederick Maryland. 1973 Introduction of George I. Crossman, Dr. Nearpass,...
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

RHS Chelsea Plant of the Year

Just how important is this.......... Well.... Very Important! The whole 'Iris World' benefits from this amazing publicity. The RHS Chelsea Plant of the Year 2014 has been announced, second place went to Iris 'Domino Noir', bred by Richard Cayeux in his nursery in France. For 20 years Richard has been breeding towards a true black and white cultivar and after several generations of crosses has succeeded with I. 'Domino Noir'.  A rare jewel which offers a striking and clear contrast,with it's practically pure white standards...
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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris ERIC'S DREAM

'Eric's Dream' is a rich deep bronze-brown self with self to deep gold brown beards. It seems to have inherited its form from the pod parent 'Fort Apache' so has a 1980's reminiscent feel which is no bad thing if you are looking for an iris with a appealing '80's classic look'. Magnificent iron rod stalks hold the large blooms on well branching and bud count. Grows at home and has good plant habits making for a great clump. Bred in Gisborne by Eric Braybrook using two of Schreiner's finest so called 'red-bronze' irises, so...
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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tall Bearded Iris CATHÉDRALE DE CHICHESTER and The Chichester Cathedral Flower Festival 2014.

Cayeux, La Carcaudière, Route de Coullons, France. Iris Lover's Catalogue, 2014. New 2014 varieties created by Cayeux. CATHÉDRALE DE CHICHESTER Tall bearded -Mid-season to late  - Height :85cm- colour: Amoena A very French iris named after the remarkable British Cathedral where it will be launched! Creamy white standards with finely serrated butter yellow edges. Deep golden yellow falls and orange beards. A very rich tone, sound branching, good substance and averaging 8 buds per stem. The Chichester Cathedral Flower Festival...
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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Historic Iris listings CHOICE FLOWER SEEDS CATALOG 1914

CHOICE FLOWER SEEDS MISS EMMA V. WHITE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA. I R I S THE POOR MAN'S ORCHID "The Iris is the rainbow personified, a goddess who visits us in garments of indescribable splendor, whose harmonious interweaving of colors is beyond the brush of man." They are an old favorite, but in the great number of new and beautiful colorings one hardly recognizes the old "Flags" of former days. Being exceedingly hardy, requiring such little care, withal so beautiful, they should find a place in every garden. IRIS GERMANICA (Tall...
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