Wednesday, July 30, 2014


'THE GARDEN' 29th AUGUST, 1874. BEARDED IRIS (I. BARBATA), COMMONLY CALLED GERMAN IRIS. My collection of this section of Iris has been pronounced  to be very complete. It numbers upwards of 200 varieties, from which I have selected those enumerated. The better to understand my descriptions, I furnish a wood- cut, by which it will be observed that one half of the petals are erect - these are called standards; the other half droop - these are called falls, while the small tongued...
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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Tall Bearded Iris PISTACHIO

Melrose Gardens, Stockton, California. The Connoisseurs Catalog, 1978. PISTACHIO (Ghio '74) Like the meat of the nut, this flower is a greenish amber, but there is a light blue flash on the falls quite unlike the nut. Bulletin of the American Iris Society, July 1974, Number 214. California Comments, Keith Keppel, You'll Wonder where the Yellow Went. .......when you read this, for notes were made on very few. For some reason, this just didn't seem...
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