Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Keith Keppels Iris 2015 Catalog

FIRE DANGER M 33" ((Inside Track X Spice Lord) X Sorbonne). Hotly colored plicata. Dark reddish burgundy standards are solid except for faint pale yellow dappling visible on close inspection. Bright lemon yellow falls carry a wide border to match standards. Unobtrusive rusty tan beards layered violet and white. Terminal two branches and spur, seven buds #07-197c. SHIVAREE M 33" ((( Game Plan pod parent sib X Game Plan pollen parent) X Sunblaze) X Golden Panther) As loudly raucous as any proper shivaree!!...
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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tall Bearded Iris SPANISH GIFT

 Spanish Gift is in a small and select collection of George Shoop's Irises at home. The bloom has a very chiselled masculine look that displays on strong well branched stems that always have a great bud count. Healthy vigorous growth resulting in a large clump quickly is a huge plus, and even this last bloom season at home which at best could be kindly described as mediocre 'Spanish Gift' was one of the few outstanding performer.  George A. Shoop, Hybridizer, Portland Oregon.1966 SPANISH GIFT 1965. Bright orange with...
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Monday, February 2, 2015

Classic Tall Bearded Iris MYSTIC MELODY

Stevens Bros. Bastia Hill, Wanganui. Irises 1951-52 Catalogue. Novelties 1951-52 MYSTIC MELODY (Stevens) Proud as we are to have raised Pinnacle and Summit with their sensational and wholly new colour combination,we are equally proud to have raised this less sensational but no less lovely iris. Mystic Melody is a sister seedling of Summit, and while the contrast between the standards and falls is as great, the sharpness of the contrast has been muted and softened by the ...
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