Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Historic Tall Bearded Iris 'SINDJKHA'

The Hybridizer, Grace Sturtevant, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts (1865-1947) began Iris breeding in 1910 and flowered her first seedlings in 1912. Her gardens were named 'The Glen Road Iris Gardens' and her first catalogue was published in 1917. Miss Sturtevant used European named varieties in making her first crosses and the names Oriflame, Caterina, Dalmatica, Iris King, Dr. Bernice, Aurea, Queen of May,and Mme. Chereau appear in her early breeding records. To quote from her early catalogue notes, "For me there is no ideal type....
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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Irises and Archives Blog

..Irises and Archives is a extremely well written blog by Gareth Winter a well respected Garden writer and plantsman who lives in nearby Masterton. Gareth is also the editor of the 'Almanac' the bulletin of the Society for Pacific Coast Native Iris. The slideshow of Californian Irises on his blog are just magnificent. Give it a look you will not be disappointed.Kowhia Tree and Wax Eye bird photo courtesy of Gareth Winter***...
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

'STARWOMAN' New Zealand update!

..Had a chat today with Julie May of 'The Iris Garden' fame who informs me that Starwoman is growing in her well manicured Canterbury gardens. So anyone who drops in for a cup of tea at her very famous tearooms should be able to see the iris in full bloom this coming season. The Iris Garden also has 'MING' the Sass Medal Winner 2008 in the display gardens, so stop by early spring and check them out.***...
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Sunday, July 20, 2008

'STARWOMAN' wins the Dykes Medal!!!!

STARWOMAN is such a stand out Intermediate Iris and so deserving of this award and it's the first time for an Intermediate Bearded Iris to win. It is only the second time in the history a median iris has been awarded Dykes' Medal by the American Iris Society. The first median to win a Dykes Medal was in 1981 and is the Border Bearded Iris 'Brown Lasso' (Buckles-Niswonger 1975) DYKES MEDAL WINNER 2008 STARWOMAN (Marky Smith 1998). Previously winner of the Hans and Jacob Sass Medal 2005, AIS Award of Merit (AM) 2003, AIS...
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Friday, July 18, 2008


Another Jean Stevens Iris I have in my collection which is a top performer. Good branching, increase, and high health.The gold/yellow standards are clear and bright and the flaring red brown falls has a fine gold margin and highlighted by a brilliant gold beard this iris can brighten even the darkest corner of a garden. Brilliant Sunrise is the Pod parent of 'Alison Penney' another stand out variegata introduced by Jean Collins (NZ) in 1979.  I have no doubt that when this iris has increased enough I will have no trouble...
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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tall Bearded Iris "SUMMIT"

..SUMMIT ( Stevens 1948) TB 40" M Y6D Sdgl. 5/T192 Fair Elaine X (Lagos X (Gudrun X (Lady Morvyth X Rangatira)))I have a great affinity for this Iris as it was my first major find of the Jean Stevens Yellow Amoena Line and is a stunningly bright, stand out Iris. I marvel at the tips of the style arms colouring. This iris in anyone's garden is pure theatre and I am glad that this iris grows well for me at home. Foliage shows good PBF.Top Photo Engraving Stevens Bros Catalogue 1956-57 page 23Center Photo Another fantastic photo from Sarah...
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Friday, July 11, 2008

Japanese Irises in New Zealand

Hi folks, Just a heads up.Eddie Johns has just started a blog NZATA@OTARABIRCH so for all you Gardener's that are starting to ponder on how to start sowing that Japanese or Siberian Iris seed that you have put away in the cupboard, now would be a good time to pay the blog a visit.Otara Birch Gardens grow New Zealand's Premier Collection of Japanese Irises and there would be no better collection of these fine irises anywhere else in the country.Don't forget to Bookmark the page, and leave some words of encouragement!!!...
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Monday, July 7, 2008

Louisiana Irises Join the Dots

Botanical Print feature on the left I.fulva From Dykes Monograph 'The Genus Iris' Published 1913 by Cambridge University Press Recently doing research on Historic New Zealand Irises, the following from 'The New Zealand Gardener', Letter's from Readers, October 1949, caught my eye. LOUISIANA IRISESI Have been reading that Australian iris fans are becoming enthusiastic about a new race of irises known as the Louisiana's. I have some irises in my garden,claimed to be Louisiana's which I obtained some 12 years ago. Do you know if...
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Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Great Iris Book

..This book is one of my best Iris reads which is clearly, simply but concisely written in the style of a non-fiction novel. An example of the many great books written a while ago by specialists well known in their day which include much that remains engrossing, helpful as well as being of historical interest.IRISES Harry RandallPublished B. T. Batsford Ltd., London, 1969The AuthorHarry Randall spent the whole of his business career in the electrical supply industry and became the first Chairman of the London Electricity Board. He...
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

'U.S. Iris through N.Z. Eyes' Popular Garden Magazine Article 1957

U.S. iris through N.Z. eyes. A top New Zealand breeder comes across the world to look at the work of American breeders and finds it good. You who know them are familiar with the pleasure an iris flower gives you when you look at the balance of its flowing lines. Surely no flower eclipses or improves on the sheer artistry of its form. But then add to beauty of line color ranging from brilliant to delicate, strong to pastel to pure, endow this paragon with ease of culture, and you have a flower that is bound to have...
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