
SUMMIT ( Stevens 1948) TB 40" M Y6D Sdgl. 5/T192 Fair Elaine X (Lagos X (Gudrun X (Lady Morvyth X Rangatira)))
I have a great affinity for this Iris as it was my first major find of the Jean Stevens Yellow Amoena Line and is a stunningly bright, stand out Iris. I marvel at the tips of the style arms colouring. This iris in anyone's garden is pure theatre and I am glad that this iris grows well for me at home. Foliage shows good PBF.
Top Photo Engraving Stevens Bros Catalogue 1956-57 page 23
Center Photo Another fantastic photo from Sarah Cook which she took recently in Merian Park, Botanical Garden, Brüglingen, Switzerland.
Bottom Photo T Johnson taken in Joan Tolmie, garden, Masterton
From Stevens Bros. Catalogue Novelties 1951-52
SUMMIT (Stevens)
We take very great pride in introducing this great and sensational new iris which is already receiving the acclaim of iris lovers overseas, and has placed New Zealand in the front rank of iris breeding countries. Two years ago we placed on the markets of the world the first iris with pure white standards and primrose yellow falls, Pinnacle, and already this iris has won its first overseas awards against the keen competition of the world best breeders. Here in Summit we have an even more sensational development, for whereas in Pinnacle the falls are primrose yellow, the falls of Summit are a rich pure yellow, while the standards retain the loverly clear white of Pinnacle. Last year for the Annual Meeting of the New Zealand Iris Society we were able to display a large clump of Summit flowering profusely, breathtakingly beautiful, startling in its sensational colour combination, wholly satisfying in its perfect fresh loveliness. There is an exquisite quality of beauty about this combination of white and gold which appeals both to the lover of bright colours for colours sake and to the lover of artistic colour combination's who looks to his flowers for harmonious form and colour satisfaction, for that indefinable quality of beauty which completes and mellows the garden picture.Summit is a tall and stately iris with widely branched stems carrying classically formed blooms. Standards pure white without even a suggestion of cream, and falls of rich bright golden yellow. Excellent substance 4ft. 63/-
From the 1954 Schreiner's Iris Catalog: "Mrs. Stevens has produced three yellow amoena's or near amoena's: Pinnacle (light yellow and white), Summit (deep yellow and white) and Mystic Melody (deep yellow and cream). Of the three, Summit is the most contrasting by far and an Iris of seemingly epochal importance to the Iris breeder. A very tall Iris with superb branching, its moderate sized blooms have standards which are absolutely snow white and falls of a deep golden yellow creating a wonderfully refreshing and breath-taking contrast."
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