Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wednesday's Words

..Photo Credit and Copyright Iris Hunter***...
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Friday, April 24, 2009

Tall Bearded Iris "Mrs ALAN GRAY "

Growing at home is the historic Iris, 'Mrs. Alan Gray'. Hybridized by Sir Michael Foster the man often called 'the father of Iris growing'. He made many valuable experiments in hybridization and collected an enormous amount of information which has been the foundation for most of the work carried out later by others. In the words of Mr. W J. Caparne " he was the classical authority and great exponent of the subject".Author of many short articles on Iris. He raised some fine seedlings using new strains from collected plants. From...
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Monday, April 13, 2009

Celebrating our first year milestone

..The blog is celebrating its 1st year in the digital world. A lot could be said by others about this moment but for me its been a great time for learning the digital nuances that applies to blogging.Meeting interesting people that have visited the blog who have become friends and colleagues is the big plus.As the blog has used only 7% of its allocated 1024MB free space, visitors can rest assured that there is a lot more Irises with commentary to come.Thanks to you all for visiting and making it a success and I'm looking forward to...
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tall Bearded Iris "AUTUMN CIRCUS "

I was told by an Iris friend a few years ago 'You need to grow this blue and white plicata iris' Its was a bit like saying Las Vegas needs another Casino or Taupo needs another Motel, I mean just how many Blue and White plicata's does a garden need? Well my friend was right and this classy variety presses all the right buttons when determining a excellent plicata garden Iris. Shorter than most Tall bearded Irises, it has good clean foliage, increases well, with plenty of bloom stalks with a impressive bud count and what's more if...
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Take it as Red

..5.42am this morning.What a beautiful way to start the dayClick on any photo to view a larger imagePhoto Credit and Copyright Iris Hunter***...
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Friday, April 3, 2009

Tall Bearded Iris "WINE AND ROSES "

Still flowering today after a week of banging out blooms and more buds to come. A Re-Bloomer for sure from the hands of David Hall a Legendary Hybridiser!!! An Iris of significant Historical interest, the first Iris with this colour pattern, a breakthrough at the time.Great Parent (Pollen parent to 'Latin Lover') and Ron Busch used this Iris in his breeding program and it appears in the parentage of his Iris 'Brookside' . Cooley's Iris Gardens, 1963 WINE AND ROSES (Hall 1963) A break much sought after by hybridisers has been a combination...
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris "IRWELL DESERT SANDS "

There has been some inquiring interest by a few New Zealand visitors to the blog about this Ron Busch variety. Do hope this helps.The photo is a scan of hard copy photos sent to me by Ron. The above variety is slightly lighter lemon colouring than depicted in this photo but shows the plicata markings which will help with ID. Click on photo to view a larger image AIS Checklist Description IRWELL DESERT SANDS (Ron Busch R. 2007). Sdgl. 316-9559 TB. 38" (97 cm), M. S. and style arms lemon; F. lemon ground, light cinnamon plicata...
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©2008 - 2016 HERITAGE IRISES. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or storage of this website's content is prohibited without prior written permission. Terry Johnson in association with The Iris Hunter,What Have You Productions and 15 out of 7 Design.