Saturday, September 26, 2009

Barry Blyths 2009-2010 Iris Introductions

Just updated Tempo Two Web Site, with 42 Magnificent New Introductions for 2009-2010 Season portrayed as a slide show. Great eye candy!!!!An interesting note on the Welcome page states they are in their 13th Year of Drought or Below average rainfall in Southern Victoria, Tall Bearded Irises just loving these conditions.Barry Blyth is without doubt one of the world's great Iris hybridisers and its always good to see his Iris breeding kaleidescope and a new vision each year.Click on the web page above to visit or go to
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Thursday, September 24, 2009

'Amazing Iris Garden' is at the 'Kumeu Just Gardening Show'

..Wendy Begbie and her team from the Amazing Iris Garden will be at the 'Just Gardening' show at Kumeu, this Saturday!!!! Lots of Quality Bearded Irises in pots for sale.Saturday 26th September 9am – 5pm. Kumeu Show Grounds, Access Road, Kumeu. Plants delivered to your car! This promises to be another huge success. Wendy also has a new web site which is pictured above (Click for link). A Gardening delight, not to be missed.Click on the link below for map and directions****...
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Short Story

In the afternoon sun today, the little Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris "Tonya" giving its all. Reports from up North (Auckalofa) are that the Iris season is early and off to a good start. Massey University in Palmerston North, today have some of their Tall Bearded Iris blooming possibly 'Magnolia' The question to be asked is 'will this season be over before November starts ??' No fluorescent lighting was used in the production of these photos. Photo credit and copyright Iris Hunter...
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Friday, September 18, 2009

Tall Bearded Iris Society is on Facebook

..I was wondering just how long it would take before any Iris Society would embrace Facebook for promotion of membership, well it has happened!!!!The Tall bearded Iris Society to help with the promotion are "Giving away Plants" and get this "Giving away free membership" using a competition format of 'guess the Iris name' . They have sponsorship from some forward thinking Commercial Gardens who are supplying plants and or underwriting the membership fees. With 390 fans on the site within 8 weeks and growing that's more than some Iris...
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

W R Dykes, Tulips

..Form of Orphanidea Boiss.Tulip #45 Pl. IX William R Dykes, one of thee great giants of the Iris world also bred tulips and his book 'Notes on Tulip Species' is still widely referenced. I came across this book whilst researching Irises.Published after his death in 1930. Illustrated and Edited by his wife E. Katherine Dykes, with the introduction by Sir A. Daniel Hall.This rare book is held at the National Library of New Zealand and is well worth the trip to Wellington to view the incredibly brilliant Illustrations like the one displayed...
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Wellington Botanic Gardens Tulips

..Last time we visited the Botanic Gardens in Wellington it was a grey and overcast day about 4 weeks ago. Just the same this Saturday but with rain .(It was hard to keep the rain off the camera lens ) 'Tulip Sunday' at the gardens this year is 27th September which is another two Sundays away and as you can see there will be a powerful amount of finger crossing to keep some of the display beds at peak.Buds galore give such an amazing display of formPhoto credit and copyright Iris Hunter****...
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Friday, September 11, 2009

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris "RADIANT DAY"

Another photo taken in the interesting historic Iris collection of Mrs Mary Greaves in Masterton. It is the Jean Stevens Iris that I am looking forward to seeing flowering again this season. I have always considered this to be one of the Neon Sign's for Jeans breeding and the reference in her hand written notes of 'Very Brilliant' could also apply to the hybridiser herself. Its from a 1936 Carl Salbach Iris 'Radiant' with its standards of golden bronze and falls of velvety brick red, and was crossed with the 1939 copper apricot self...
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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tall Bearded Iris "DARKSIDE"

The great thing about Bearded Irises is that just about anyone can grow them, so for the new and even the more accomplished Iris Growers, 'Darkside' is a 'must have' and is generally sold for very reasonable prices. My recommendation is at the very least, to put this Reblooming Iris on your wish list. The large silky rich and ruffled dark purple black blooms with purple ebony beard, has a distinct purple base to the leaves.(PBF). A vigorous and utterly reliable garden iris which excels in full sun. Whilst the photo below is not...
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©2008 - 2016 HERITAGE IRISES. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or storage of this website's content is prohibited without prior written permission. Terry Johnson in association with The Iris Hunter,What Have You Productions and 15 out of 7 Design.