
I was wondering just how long it would take before any Iris Society would embrace Facebook for promotion of membership, well it has happened!!!!
The Tall bearded Iris Society to help with the promotion are "Giving away Plants" and get this "Giving away free membership" using a competition format of 'guess the Iris name' . They have sponsorship from some forward thinking Commercial Gardens who are supplying plants and or underwriting the membership fees. With 390 fans on the site within 8 weeks and growing that's more than some Iris Societies total membership. What will Morph on this site when the membership campaign is complete will be interesting for sure.
It would wise to bookmark the site as more membership packages will be given away soon.
One day perhaps a new media person might put up the membership of an Iris Society on E-Bay or Trade-me and sell it with a free Iris or vice versa. Cost to promote your Iris Society a few cents, the reach, depending on where you are, but could be millions of internet users, some of them potentially new members. (Not a decision that will be made by a consultative committee you can bet.)
Well done, 'Tall Bearded Iris Society' and to the supporting commercial growers for thinking outside the square and embracing E media.
A big hat tip to you all.
Link http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tall-Bearded-Iris-Society/109139029402?ref=mf or click on web page image above
16/10/09 It has since been brought to my attention that the American Iris Society is also on Facebook but with only one message on the wall posted 29th July 2009 and 5 fans at time of writing it is somewhat insignificant and dated when compared with 'The Tall bearded Iris Society' effort.
But just in case you think I am in denial you can check out this Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-American-Iris-Society/135392085179?v=wall
thanks for the info