Thursday, November 26, 2009

New Zealand Tall Bearded Historic Iris "NINA LEVETT"

The very late blooming 'Nina Levett' is often confused with a earlier blooming iris which grows at about the same height named, 'Pink Advance". 'Nina Levett' is the pod parent of 'Pink Advance'. Photo above is from the plant gifted to me by the late Shirley Spicer, of Wanganui. Stevens Bros, Bulls, Catalogue of Irises, 1937-38. NINA LEVETT A lovely tall pink of regal carriage.The large flowers are an even shade of lilac pink, and are carried on well-branched 4 1/2 foot stems. Exceptionally vigorous. The Iris Society Year Book...
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Zealand Intermediate Bearded Iris 'LUCY'S BLUE SILK '

Quite the little surprise package is this New Zealand bred Intermediate Iris which grows along side 'Moon Tike' and are two of the very late flowering Intermediate Irises in our collection.A high health plant which grows well and always shows good increase and would adapt well to growing in most gardens. Slight but nice scent.1989 AIS checklistLUCY'S BLUE SILK (L. Delaney by H. Catton, R. 1985). IB 24" (60 cm) M-L. Light sky blue; white beard. Unknown parentage., Catton 1986/87. Not sold commercially in New Zealand, but if you can...
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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Getting it Right

. . An article in the AIS bulletin 353, April 2009 "Unsung Heroes of the Plant World" goes on at length espousing the advantages of joining a plant society - no doubt admirable thoughts. This blog has always promoted joining reputable plant societies.But societies can undo decades of trust and creditability by promoting, selling or registering Irises with dubious names.Take for instance a recent event. A lady (Who I shall call Mrs.B) from the district where I live attended an Iris show in Palmerston North in 2007. This show was...
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Friday, November 6, 2009

Border Bearded Historic Iris "JUNGLE SHADOWS "

'Jungle Shadows' tucked away among the peonies growing in its own little jungle at home . A sultry toned Border Bearded Iris of ideal proportions introduced in 1960, receiving the Knowlton Award in 1962. Registered by Helen Graham after the death of the originator Henry Sass. I treasure this iris for the chaos of colour and when introduced it no doubt created a step change in how we view and perceive what an Iris should look like. Chaos and controversy is always a great combination, well it is in my world. Melrose Gardens, Route...
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tall Bearded Heirloom Iris "SUNSET SNOWS "

October 2009 is on record of being the coldest October in New Zealand since 1945, just witness the frost damage to the edges on the standards and falls in the above photo, and we had plenty of rain as well. This incessant combination of heavy frosts quickly followed with heavy rain has turned most of the early iris blooms into mush, and just when I was thinking there is not to be any photos of early varieties to take this season for the blog, Jean Stevens 'Sunset Snows' begins to bloom and becomes 'the save of the weeks'. Plant...
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