'Jungle Shadows' tucked away among the peonies growing in its own little jungle at home . A sultry toned Border Bearded Iris of ideal proportions introduced in 1960, receiving the Knowlton Award in 1962. Registered by Helen Graham after the death of the originator Henry Sass. I treasure this iris for the chaos of colour and when introduced it no doubt created a step change in how we view and perceive what an Iris should look like. Chaos and controversy is always a great combination, well it is in my world.
Melrose Gardens, Route 1, Box 466, Stockton, California, 1960 Introductions.
The following Iris co-introduced with El Dorado Gardens, El Dorado, Kansas.
JUNGLE SHADOWS (Sass-Graham) 32". (Black Delight x black sdlg.)
Exotic and other-worldish. A color break for sure. The dusky grey base color is overblended and flushed with lavender, brown, olive and purple. A deep brown beard leads you to the mysterious depths of the flower.
Net. $15.00
Irises, A Garden Encyclopedia, Clarie Austin
Iris 'Jungle Shadows' (Sass 1959)
The standards are a mixture of grey and brown. These colours are flecked and stained throughout the petals which are further washed with a tint of dull violet brown. Inside the petals is a flush of purple. The ginger coloured beards are tipped with grey.This hybrid was introduced after the death of the hydbridizer. Height 99cm (39½ in.) Bloom mid season.
Fleur de Lis Gardens, Sioux City, Iowa. 1965 Catalog.
JUNGLE SHADOWS (Sass-Graham) BB 30". M
An odd blend of grey, with a flush of bluish purple and bamboo yellow which gives the flower a grey-olive color. Made further intriguing by a dark beard and violet-tinged hafts.
Mission Bell Gardens, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hamblen, Roy Utah. Iris for 1973
JUNGLE SHADOWS (Sass '60) Sultry slate grey standards flushed purple with olive tinge at tips; falls flare and have brown hafts fading to gray tinged violet. Dark beard. Vigorous well branched. (Black Delight X Sdlg.) Knowlton Medal '67......................$1.00
AIS Checklist 1959
JUNGLE SHADOWS (Sass-Graham, R. 1959). Sdlg. 1-57. BB 26" M. V5D. Blended brown-gray and purple; brown beard. Black Delight x sdlg. 54-95., Melrose 1960.
Available in New Zealand from Amazing Iris Gardens and in the USA from Iris City Gardens and Wildwood Gardens
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I am enchanted by its smoky shadings and odd colorations. No doubt it's a 'love it or hate it' variety, but its admirers are legion. Regardless, Jungle shadows is one of the best of all historic irises, IMO. Anyone who enjoys the unusual will like it.