Friday, December 25, 2009

Tall Bearded Historic Iris "MARBLED MOHR" or is it a Arilbred????

Christmas Blessings to you all. If I had to pick an Iris which epitomised my year it has to be Marbled Mohr. It kinda is one type of Iris but it ain't, and lets face it, when you see such beauty the politics of Iris registration takes a definite back seat. Maybe, it just is one of those situations when,"If it looks like a Arilbred,Grows like an Arilbred, you know, it just might be an Arilbred" Problems like these in Iris Nomenclature will be eliminated when the meaning of 'Cumulative" is discovered and embraced by more than just the...
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Sunday, December 20, 2009

"That old Jap Magic has me in its spell"

..A visit to Eddie Johns and his Otara Birch Gardens is always one of the great highlight of the Iris year. This is the largest collection of Japanese Irises in New Zealand and makes for an impressive display. Some of his new seedlings show real potential. A few of the photos taken yesterday.Big hat tip to Eddie Johns for his hospitality.Photo Credit and Copyright Iris HunterClick on any image to Supersize***...
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Monday, December 14, 2009

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris "KINGSTON GLORY"

We have grown this iris at home for two years, but only bloomed in its second season. My initial thoughts were before checking the label that it was most likely Bernard Hamner's 1994 introduction 'Burgundy Party' and what was it doing growing there? But when reading the label and double checking my notes and garden map, I found out the Iris to be the widely acknowledged shy blooming New Zealand bred iris 'Kingston Glory'.With good closed form in it's Standards, a nice amount of ruffling on both the standards and the falls, and with...
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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tall Bearded Iris "GYPSY ROMANCE"

For the past 6 years the award winning 'Gypsy Romance' has consistently created a great deal of attention in my garden. A rich ruffled violet raspberry self (RHS 77A) with a most attractive beard. Clumps up very well and in no time at all becomes a very impressive display. Flowers of good form and ample size. It's one of the few Irises that makes my bucket list (one you need to grow and see before you kick the bucket) Interesting parentage R 720-D: (Louisiana Lace x Entourage) X T 879-B: (L556-1: (G 510-A x Fabulous Frills)...
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Friday, December 11, 2009

'Libertia peregrinans' New Zealand Iris

. . New Zealand's only genus of the worldwide distributed Iris family (Iridaceae) is LIBERTIA SPRENGEI of which there are 4 recognised native species. Libertia peregrinans is one of the native species growing in the gardens just outside Parliament Buildings Lampton Quay in an area known as Waitiki Landing The plant is used extensively by the Wellington City Parks and Reserves Department and is planted in many public gardens around the Capitol City. It's tiny white flowers which are still on some plants outside the National Archives...
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris "SOUTHERN AUTUMN"

One of the highlights of this bloom season was the flowering of another Ron Busch Iris 'SOUTHERN AUTUMN" which performed great in the inclement weather. Good growth with eight to ten buds on very strong stalks, Standards a rosy grey white, Wine brick red ruffled semi-flaring falls with an edge the same colour as standards. Mustard gold beard enhances the colour combination. Whilst it was just its first year at home the colouration was stand out, it is floriferous, and has the potential to make a stunning clump. My understanding is...
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©2008 - 2016 HERITAGE IRISES. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or storage of this website's content is prohibited without prior written permission. Terry Johnson in association with The Iris Hunter,What Have You Productions and 15 out of 7 Design.