Two weeks ago Keith Keppel's Iris Catalogue arrived in the post. Each catalogue received becomes part of the truly amazing continuum from one of the hybridising Giant's of the Iris world. It's just to bad Importing Irises to New Zealand is a wee bit tough at the present time, but things could change!! Anyway for those visitors to the blog lucky enough to live in the USA go and buy yourselves some classy Irises and for the rest of us we will just have to enjoy the pic's, and dream of what could of been.
Catalogue also contains a very large listing of Barry Blyth's Irises
Cover Shot feature Border Bearded Iris 'Dance Card'
DANCE CARD L 25" (French Lilacs sib X (In Love Again sib X (Social Graces X Vienna Waltz ))) Ruffled and flounced, faintly laced bitone. Pink lilac pink standards rest on horizontally flared pinkish lavender falls. Beards white, pale ibis pink deep in throat. Lovely lilting form, stem with terminal and three branches, seven buds. Hurry get your name penciled in on her dance card now, so she'll save the last dance for you!! #03-20A
For a catalogue, please send $3 to: Keith Keppel P.O. Box 18154 Salem, OR 97305
Be sure to visit Keith Keppel's new web site listed in the Iris Links on this page
As always clicking on the above image will take you to the larger, higher resolution version.
And of course a major hat tip to Keith Keppel for sharing the magic

"Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die Life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams for if dreams go Life is a barren field frozen in snow."
Langston Hughes
Hold fast to dreams for if dreams go Life is a barren field frozen in snow."
Langston Hughes
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