Monday, October 25, 2010

Pacific Coast Iris

Fashions in Iris breeding and the end result, the blossom's are constantly changing. Pacific Coast Irises are little known Irises,outside Iris circles. Flowering well ahead of the Tall Bearded Irises,the evergreen, tough plants, and could become a landscape designers dream plant should they ever become available commercially.Paid a visit to a good friend and Iris colleague Gareth Winters and his fantastic collection of Pacific Coast Iris seedling, mostly all his own crosses. Totally amazing how these Irises have advanced in...
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Monday, October 18, 2010

Freesia alba Burtonii

Freesia alba Burtonii Iridaceae This plant is a New Zealand classic garden icon, blooms with an amazing perfume that for me heralds the start of spring. It is a sport of Freesia refracta alba, is much improved and is a very fragrant white flower of outstanding quality and size. A bulb flower that is almost a pure creamy-white with yellow lower lip which is quite free from outer purple markings, and is twice the size of Freesia refracta alba. It appeared by chance in the private Nelson gardens of Mrs Burton in the 1930's and the...
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Sunday, October 17, 2010

New Zealand Native "Clematis paniculata"

New Zealand Native Clematis paniculata (syn. C. indivisa) Our beautiful native Clematis which the Maoris call 'puawhananga' apparently meaning the 'The Sacred Flower' is a stand out spring feature dotted on the Hills of Bush I drive over each day on my journey to work. The starry white, lightly scented blossoms that herald the Spring, are up to four inches across, and on mass in the native bush look like small patches of snow on the tops of trees. All of the nine species of Clematis native to New Zealand are evergreen, and of these...
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tall Bearded Iris 'PROUD TRADITION'

'Proud Tradition' is in my opinion the best 'Neglecta' when it comes to the "classic modern form". It has wide and lightly ruffled deep Hyacinth blue falls with light blue standards which are displayed on fine stems that yield eight to ten buds. Matching blue beards that are lightly tipped yellow, which contribute to the overall good effect. Better than great health, with average vigour and increase. A respected variety that has a prominent place growing in our garden at home. CONTEMPORARY VIEWS Perry Dyer —1994/1995The SUN BELT...
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©2008 - 2016 HERITAGE IRISES. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or storage of this website's content is prohibited without prior written permission. Terry Johnson in association with The Iris Hunter,What Have You Productions and 15 out of 7 Design.