Friday, May 31, 2013

Tall Bearded Iris Irwell 2012 Seedling

I just had to show you the above photo which is the end of a continuance really, but shows the real depth of Ron Busch's work. 'A richly coloured variegata which glows with life, making a beautiful clump in the garden', was the 1978 description of 'Rich Melody' and his first variegata introduced back in 1976 and the description could equally apply today to Ron's seedling displayed above. He had a long love affair with breeding variegata's and had great success in the class, with 'Rich Melody'...
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Saturday, May 25, 2013

'omne trium perfectum'

The Latin phrase, "omne trium perfectum" everything that comes in threes is perfect, or, every set of three is complete. With this in mind a can't think of a better way to complete this weekends posts of three chartreuse lemon lime Irises with a photo of a new seedling that had its maiden bloom 2012, from the late great Ron Busch. We are a long way off a green chartreuse and maybe one day it will happen. Another great photo sent to share by Julie May the owner of the legendary 'The Iris Garden'.  Have a great...
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Tall Bearded Iris SPHAGNUM

This is another New Zealand breed iris by the team at Richmond Iris Garden . Purchased this iris 2011-2012 season and its maiden bloom at home was mid-October 2012. A larger 'Bayberry Candle' look alike which has performed well. Clean growth, average increase. A good garden variety. Richmond Iris Garden, Hill Street, Richmond, Nelson, Catalogue 2006-2007. New Introductions SPHAGNUM TB (D Nicoll 2005) $25.00. Hints of lemon in white standards. Strong mossy olive falls. Orange beards. Sweet fragrance. New Zealand Hybridisers...
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Friday, May 24, 2013

Intermediate Bearded Iris HONEY GLAZED

Strong grower with clean foliage, and great increase. Magnificent branching and bud count, standards are a bright lemon cream and falls are what I like to think as a amber caramel blend that sometimes can show a darker splish splash colouration (which seems to be seasonal.) Yellow beards. Fragrant. Gives a great display and this is why it is still a hit with gardeners today. Bay Blooms Nurseries, Cambridge Road, Tauranga Spring / Summer 1996 Catalogue HONEY GLAZED Cream standards and deep caramel coloured falls with a cream...
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Thursday, May 16, 2013


 Some Lesser Known Irises   PART IV THE LAEVIGATA SECTION By Miss J. Burgess, Waikanae. THE NEW ZEALAND SMALLHOLDER, May 16th, 1935. The laevigata section of irises embraces the well known Japanese or Kaempferi hybrids. These hybrids have all been obtained from the single species Kaempferi, one of the four true species which comprise the group. Although essentially water lovers, the laevigatas, in common with all...
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

RHS Plant Finder 2013 has over 5,600 Iris listings

RHS Plant Finder 2013, the 27th edition of the ultimate gardener’s guide to UK cultivated plants. Compiled and published by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), the UK’s foremost gardening charity, RHS Plant Finder 2013 lists more than 75,000 plants together with details for more than 550 suppliers, making it the most comprehensive directory of plants that are available to buy from UK and Irish nurseries. The new book includes more than 4,300 new plants added since the last edition and reflects the results of the recent Award...
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Friday, May 10, 2013

Tall Bearded Iris LILAC WINE

'Lilac Wine' is an unusual colour spectacle that carries well in the garden. Standards are a silvery lilac tone and are highlighted with bronzy beige toned midribs, falls are a dark ruby plum red, yellow tipped beard completes the harmony. Blooms are well formed and lightly ruffled and are carried on 90 cm spikes with 6 to 8 buds from early to mid season. Growth, health and vigour are good, increase is average. This 36 year old  sometimes flowers too early for the show-bench which is not really a big bump in the road is it? ...
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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Just how good is it to live in a world that has the month of May

Clicking on the above image will take you to the larger, higher resolution version. Photo credit and copyright Iris Hunte...
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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Garden Soliloquy

   Arrived home yesterday from Wellington to witness one of the 'Anomalies of Autumn'  Walking around the garden to 'see what's happening' as you do, a familiar fragrance lead me to an area of the garden where the New Zealand bred deciduous azalea 'Pavlova' was showing it's bright autumn colours and right next door to it was a clump of fragrant jonquils blooming. Just a wee bit early don't you think????? Took a photo to share. Nice welcome home I thought! Clicking on the above image will take you to...
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©2008 - 2016 HERITAGE IRISES. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or storage of this website's content is prohibited without prior written permission. Terry Johnson in association with The Iris Hunter,What Have You Productions and 15 out of 7 Design.