Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Border Bearded Iris CRYSTAL BAY

Blooming today the award winning Border Bearded Iris 'Crystal Bay'. Described as a warm white with a neat medium blue border. Not sure if it is a plicata or is it what is now known as the 'Emma Cook' pattern?? Photo taken after a night of hard rain and cold temperature and shows 'Crystal Bay' resistance to inclement weather, and its ability to maintain its composure and star qualities. Not a great increaser but plants have good health.  Parentage includes Paul Cooks 'Kiss me Kate', Whole Cloth, Progenitor, and Jean Stevens...
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Friday, October 18, 2013

Tall Bearded Iris LOYAL DEVOTION

This is a very early blooming Tall Bearded Iris which is always a worry as 'we at home' are still in the peak Nor-westerlies season. Just two days ago wind gusts of 170kph arrived then left and I spent the next days cutting up two large 8 metre olive trees that were completely levelled, so bloom stalks on tall bearded irises were completely out of their league, I am still finding horizontal bloom stalks. Can't say this is my favourite time of the year coming back home to find mother nature has been so bloody ruthless, but as...
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Monday, October 14, 2013

Historic Arilbred Iris ' WITCH DOCTOR'

It has rained a lot in the past few days with very strong winds. Checking the garden this morning the arilbred 'Witch Doctor' had unwrapped itself from its large buds to show us just how good looking Arilbred Irises really are. Most likely sterile. Beautiful and mysterious form, massive buds which are nearly as interesting as the bloom itself !!! Rainbow Hybridizing Gardens, Placerville, California. Lloyd Austins World Famous Iris Color Guide Book, 1959. WITCH DOCTOR (Plough, 1955) E-L 28"...
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Pacific Coast Iris Seedling

Scattered along the west coast of the United States are eleven species of irises, probably derived from the ancestor of the 40 chromosome Sibericans, and able to breed both with their cousins across the Bering Strait, and with each other. Wherever these Pacific Coast Natives Irises meet they form hybrid swarms, some of which have been given species names in the past.   As is the way with gardeners, growers soon saw that there was a wide genetic variety within these...
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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris 'WILD WESTY'

'Wild Westy' another show stopper from one of New Zealand's premiere Hybridiser of Median Irises , Noel Lapham. Plant was generously included as a bonus plant in an iris order from Mossburn Iris Gardens. Interesting bloom colour combination, and flowers with substance are held on stalks well above the foliage. If you have a New Zealand Iris collection this iris is a must have. Mossburn Iris Gardens,Mossburn. New Introductions, 2006 Catalogue. WILD WESTY  N Lapham, 2004 SDB. standards pale pink purple tinge,Falls peach-violet...
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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Intermediate Bearded Iris PINK REVERIE

'Pink Reverie' is an eloquent statement of strong pink with a distinct Apricot Salmon band on the edges of both the standards and the falls, all  accented with bright and daring Saturn Red beards. Classic form, silky texture, slightly ruffled, flared fall and substance supreme. Good increase and great health. 'Pink Reverie' in my opinion will go down in iris history as one of the all-time great Intermediates in the colour Pink, and as an added bonus it reblooms!!! Not bad for a 45 year old don't you think?? Thought I...
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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Iris Evansia, Iris Japonica, Crested Iris, BOURNE GRACEFUL

Medium size flower which is deep lilac-blue with strong orange-yellow signal surrounded by old gold to dark violet flecks and a violet border around the white signal area. The flowers are borne on distinctive green stems that become darker towards the bottom, but the plant itself has no canes. The long glossy leaves are ribbed and coloured purple at the base (PBF) The Iris Yearbook (BIS), 1975,"An Iris Japonica Seedling", J.R.Ellis. From pollination's of the Ledgers variety of Iris japonica with pollen from...
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