Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tall Bearded Iris CASCADE

A cross of two irises attributed to Fernand Denis the pod parent was the violet rose with a white ground claw heavily striated brown purple named 'J. B. DUMAS'  and this was crossed with the very rich coloured neglecta named 'AURELLE' with its light purplish blue standards, rich luminous purple falls with a a heavy gold beard. The result of this cross was the lavender purple self  named 'Cascade'. 'Cascade' was the first iris to be catalogued by Jean and the Iris was introduced...
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Monday, January 20, 2014


This is one of my all time best 'other coloured plicata' Irises. (Not blue). An absolute magic combination of  colours makes for a standout iris with great garden carrying power. Good clean foliage and quickly forms a clump. Branching and bud count par excellence. In 1993 'Tennessee Gentleman' won the Walther Cup a prize for the most Honorable Mention votes (112) in all categories, then in 1995 it  also received the most Award of Merit votes (124). Sterling and Barbara Innerst, Oakland Road, Dover, York...
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Saturday, January 18, 2014

ABOUT IRIS, John Thorpe

Horticulture An Illustrated Journal devoted to the Florist, Plantsman, Landscape Gardener and Kindred Interests. The Horticulture Publishing Company, Boston, Massachusetts. Vol. VIIII July 4 1908 About Iris Iris means "Rainbow" and that means all the colors there are. Twenty years ago, in our Queens catalogue I prefaced our Iris section thus: "The orchids of open air gardens are the Irises. If there are any more beautifully illustrative of form, more cheaply obtainable,...
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Historic Tall Bearded Iris PURISSIMA

Purísima means "purest" in Spanish and is most commonly used in Spanish to refer to La Purísima Concepción (the Immaculate Conception) of the Virgin Mary. Historical misspelling in English resulting in double "s" which, as you can see is how the Iris was registered.Well used in iris breeding in the Thirties, Forties, and Fifties. Has a New Zealand connection, first used by Jean Stevens in  her 1936 breeding programme as a pod parent and the first cross recorded was M7...
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